
Spiro Trikaliotis

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6 Spiro Trikaliotis, Jörg Diederich: Utilizing a Fault-Tolerance Protocol for Colocating Interfering Cells in a Wireless Network. ARCS Workshops 2006: 106-115
5EESpiro Trikaliotis, Georg Lukas: Evaluating a clock synchronization for dependable sensor networks. IPDPS 2006
4 Spiro Trikaliotis: Utilizing Fault Tolerance for Achieving QoS in Ad-hoc Networks. ARCS Workshops 2004: 66-75
3 Martin Gergeleit, Edgar Nett, Spiro Trikaliotis: Messung der gegenseitigen Störung von Funk-Netzwerken. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2001: 523-529
2EEMichael Mock, Reiner Frings, Edgar Nett, Spiro Trikaliotis: Clock synchronization for wireless local area networks. ECRTS 2000: 183-189
1EEMichael Mock, Reiner Frings, Edgar Nett, Spiro Trikaliotis: Continuous Clock Synchronization in Wireless Real-Time Applications. SRDS 2000: 125-132

Coauthor Index

1Jörg Diederich [6]
2Reiner Frings [1] [2]
3Martin Gergeleit [3]
4Georg Lukas [5]
5Michael Mock [1] [2]
6Edgar Nett [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)