
Michael Mock

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33 Michael Mock, Michael Rohs: A GPS Tracking Application with a Tilt- and Motion-Sensing Interface. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2008: 266-271
32EEMartin Mladenov, Michael Mock, Karl-Erwin Grosspietsch: Fault monitoring and correction in a walking robot using LMS filters. WISES 2008: 1-10
31 Michael Mock, Walter Nowak: Ein Middleware-Kurs mit mobilen Robotern. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2005: 163-167
30EEMichael Mock: Expressing Real-Time Requirements on Object-Interactions. ISORC 2004: 201-208
29EERonny Hartanto, Frank Schönherr, Michael Mock, Joachim Hertzberg: Target-Oriented Mobile Robot Behaviors for Office Navigation Tasks. WSTFEUS 2004: 104-108
28 Edgar Nett, Martin Gergeleit, Michael Mock: Mechanisms for a Reliable Cooperation of Vehicles. HASE 2001: 75-81
27EEMichael Mock: An Architecture Supporting Loose and Close Cooperation of Distributed Autonomous Systems. ISORC 2001: 227-234
26EEStefan Schemmer, Edgar Nett, Michael Mock: Reliable Real-Time Cooperation of Mobile Autonomous Systems. SRDS 2001: 238-246
25 Edgar Nett, Martin Gergeleit, Michael Mock: Enhancing O-O Middleware to Become Time-Aware. Real-Time Systems 20(2): 211-228 (2001)
24EEMichael Mock, Reiner Frings, Edgar Nett, Spiro Trikaliotis: Clock synchronization for wireless local area networks. ECRTS 2000: 183-189
23EEMichael Mock, Martin Gergeleit, Edgar Nett: Monitoring Distributed Real-Time Activities in DCOM. ISORC 2000: 26-33
22EEMichael Mock, Reiner Frings, Edgar Nett, Spiro Trikaliotis: Continuous Clock Synchronization in Wireless Real-Time Applications. SRDS 2000: 125-132
21 Michael Mock, Reiner Frings, Edgar Nett: An Approach to Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization for Wireless Local Area Networks. ARCS Workshops 1999: 61-67
20EEMichael Mock, Edgar Nett, Stefan Schemmer: Efficient Reliable Real-Time Group Communication for Wireless Local Area Networks. EDCC 1999: 380-400
19EEMichael Mock, Edgar Nett: Real-Time Communication in Autonomous Robot Systems. ISADS 1999: 34-41
18EEJörg Kaiser, Michael Mock: Implementing the Real-Time Publisher/Subscriber Model on the Controller Area Network (CAN). ISORC 1999: 172-181
17EEEdgar Nett, Martin Gergeleit, Michael Mock: An Adaptive Approach to Object-Oriented Real-Time Computing. ISORC 1998: 342-349
16 Edgar Nett, Michael Mock, Peter Theisohn: Managing Dependencies - A Key Problem in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms. FTCS 1997: 2-10
15EEMichael Mock, Martin Gergeleit, Edgar Nett: Cooperative Concurrency Control on the Web. FTDCS 1997: 118-123
14EEEdgar Nett, Michael Mock: A Recovery Model for Extended Real-Time Transactions. HASE 1997: 0124-129
13EEEdgar Nett, Michael Mock: How to Commit Concurrent, Non-Isolated Computations. FTDCS 1995: 343-353
12 Michael Mock, Edgar Nett: A Short Introduction to Dynamic Actions. GI Datenbank Rundbrief 15: 15 (1995)
11 Paul Taylor, Vinny Cahill, Michael Mock: Combining Object-oriented Systems and Open Transaction Processing. Comput. J. 37(6): 487-498 (1994)
10 Edgar Nett, Michael Mock: Generic Action Support for Distributed, Cooperative Applications. HPTS 1993: 0-
9 Michael Mock: Aktionsmanagement in COMANDOS: Erfahrungen und Ausblick. Datenbank Rundbrief 11: 67-68 (1993)
8 Michael Mock, Reinhold Kröger, Vinny Cahill: Implementing Atomic Objects with the RelaX Transaction Facility. Computing Systems 5(3): 259-304 (1992)
7 Reinhold Kröger, Frank Lange, Michael Mock, Ralf Schumann: Concept and Performance of the RelaX Reliable Broadcast Protocol. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1991: 172-185
6 Michael Mock: C Bibliographisches Institut 1990
5 Ralf Schumann, Reinhold Kröger, Michael Mock: The Decentralized Non-Blocking RelaX Commit Protocol. ARCS 1990: 403-413
4 Reinhold Kröger, Michael Mock, Ralf Schumann, Frank Lange: RelaX - An Extensible Architecture Supporting Reliable Distributed Applications. SRDS 1990: 156-164
3 Ralf Schumann, Michael Mock: Efficient Commit/Abort Procedures in the RelaX Distributed Transaction Layer. Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme 1989: 209-220
2 Ralf Schumann, Reinhold Kröger, Michael Mock, Edgar Nett: Recovery-Management in the RelaX Distributed Transaction layer. SRDS 1989: 21-28
1 Reinhold Kröger, Michael Mock, Edgar Nett: Implementierung eines RPC-Protokolls für eine objektorientierte Umgebung. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1987: 326-337

Coauthor Index

1Vinny Cahill [8] [11]
2Reiner Frings [21] [22] [24]
3Martin Gergeleit [15] [17] [23] [25] [28]
4Karl-Erwin Grosspietsch [32]
5Ronny Hartanto [29]
6Joachim Hertzberg [29]
7Jörg Kaiser [18]
8Reinhold Kröger [1] [2] [4] [5] [7] [8]
9Frank Lange [4] [7]
10Martin Mladenov [32]
11Edgar Nett [1] [2] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28]
12Walter Nowak [31]
13Michael Rohs [33]
14Stefan Schemmer [20] [26]
15Frank Schönherr [29]
16Ralf Schumann [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
17Paul Taylor [11]
18Peter Theisohn [16]
19Spiro Trikaliotis [22] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)