
J. Keith Townsend

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13EELiping Li, J. Keith Townsend, Robert J. Ulman: Multiple-Access Performance of Transmitted Reference UWB Communications with M-ary PPM. GLOBECOM 2008: 3919-3924
12EELiping Li, J. Keith Townsend, Robert J. Ulman: Transmitted Reference Ultra-Wideband Communications with M-ary PPM. GLOBECOM 2008: 3925-3930
11EEWilliam M. Lovelace, J. Keith Townsend: Threshold discrimination and blanking for large near-far power ratios in UWB networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(9): 1447-1450 (2005)
10EEZsolt Haraszti, J. Keith Townsend: Rare event simulation of delay in packet switching networks using DPR-based splitting. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 402-410
9EEZsolt Haraszti, J. Keith Townsend: The theory of direct probability redistribution and its application to rare event simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 9(2): 105-140 (1999)
8 Ahmet A. Akyamaç, James A. Freebersyser, J. Keith Townsend: Efficient Simulation of QoS in ATM Switches Using Connection traffic Descriptors. Perform. Eval. 38(2): 105-132 (1999)
7 Ahmet A. Akyamaç, J. Keith Townsend: Efficient Simulation of Delay Threshold Probabilities in ATM Switches with Heterogeneous Traffic. ICC (2) 1997: 1115-1120
6 Wael A. Al-Qaq, J. Keith Townsend: A Stochastic Importance Sampling Methodology for the Efficient Simulation of Adaptive Systems in Frequency Nonselective Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(4): 614-625 (1997)
5 James A. Freebersyser, J. Keith Townsend: A Multinomial Formulation for Efficient Simulation of Periodic On/Off Sources. MASCOTS 1996: 75-81
4 Wael A. Al-Qaq, Michael Devetsikiotis, J. Keith Townsend: Importance Sampling Methodologies for Simulation of Communication Systems with Time-Varying Channels and Adaptive Equalizers. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(3): 317-327 (1993)
3EEMichael Devetsikiotis, J. Keith Townsend: Statistical optimization of dynamic importance sampling parameters for efficient simulation of communication networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 1(3): 293-305 (1993)
2EEMichael Devetsikiotis, J. Keith Townsend: Optimization of importance sampling parameters for the efficient simulation of communication networks and ATM switches using mean field annealing. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 100-107
1 Ramin A. Nobakht, David E. van den Bout, J. Keith Townsend, Sasan H. Ardalan: Optimization of Transmitter and Receiver Filters for Digital Communication Systems Using Mean Field Annealing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(8): 1472-1480 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Ahmet A. Akyamaç [7] [8]
2Wael A. Al-Qaq [4] [6]
3Sasan H. Ardalan [1]
4David E. van den Bout [1]
5Michael Devetsikiotis [2] [3] [4]
6James A. Freebersyser [5] [8]
7Zsolt Haraszti [9] [10]
8Liping Li [12] [13]
9William M. Lovelace [11]
10Ramin A. Nobakht [1]
11Robert J. Ulman [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)