
Emmanuel Touloupis

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2EESpyros Apostolacos, George Lykakis, Apostolos Meliones, Vassilis Vlagoulis, Emmanuel Touloupis, George E. Konstantoulakis: Design, Implementation and Validation of an Open Source IP-PBX/VoIP Gateway SoC. VLSI Design 2009: 261-266
1EEEmmanuel Touloupis, James A. Flint, Vassilios A. Chouliaras, David D. Ward: Study of the Effects of SEU-Induced Faults on a Pipeline Protected Microprocessor. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(12): 1585-1596 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Spyros Apostolacos [2]
2Vassilios A. Chouliaras [1]
3James A. Flint [1]
4George E. Konstantoulakis [2]
5George Lykakis [2]
6Apostolos Meliones [2]
7Vassilis Vlagoulis [2]
8David D. Ward [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)