
Abdellah Touhafi

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9 Erik H. D'Hollander, Dirk Stroobandt, Abdellah Touhafi: Parallel Computing with FPGAs - Concepts and Applications. PARCO 2007: 739-740
8EEGerd Van den Branden, Geert Braeckman, Abdellah Touhafi, Erik F. Dirkx: Case Study: Implementation of a Virtual Instrument on a Dynamically Reconfigurable Platform. ARC 2006: 12-17
7 Gerd Van den Branden, Abdellah Touhafi, Erik F. Dirkx: A Design Methodology to Generate Dynamically Self-Reconfigurable SoCs for Virtex-II Pro FPGAs. FPT 2005: 325-326
6EEAbdellah Touhafi: A Multi-node Dynamic Reconfigurable Computing System with Distributed Reconfiguration Controller. FPL 2000: 469-474
5 Abdellah Touhafi, Wouter Brissinck, Erik F. Dirkx: Reconfigurable Programming in the Large on Extendable Uniform Reconfigurable Computing Array's: An Integrated Approach Based on Reconfigurable Virtual Architectures. FPL 1999: 469-474
4 Abdellah Touhafi, Wouter Brissinck, Erik F. Dirkx: Scalable Run Time Reconfigurable Architecture. VLSI 1999: 113-124
3EEAbdellah Touhafi, Wouter Brissinck, Erik F. Dirkx: Simulation of ATM Switches Using Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGAs. FPL 1998: 461-465
2 Abdellah Touhafi, Wouter Brissinck, Erik F. Dirkx: The Implementation of a Field Programmable Logic Based Co-Processor for the Acceleration of Discrete Event Simulators. FPL 1996: 415-424
1 Abdellah Touhafi, Wouter Brissinck, Erik F. Dirkx: Development of PVM Code for a Low Latency Switch Based Interconnect. PVM 1996: 229-234

Coauthor Index

1Geert Braeckman [8]
2Gerd Van den Branden [7] [8]
3Wouter Brissinck [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Erik H. D'Hollander [9]
5Erik F. Dirkx [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
6Dirk Stroobandt [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)