
Salvatore La Torre

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47EESalvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan, Gennaro Parlato: An Infinite Automaton Characterization of Double Exponential Time. CSL 2008: 33-48
46EESalvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan, Gennaro Parlato: Context-Bounded Analysis of Concurrent Queue Systems. TACAS 2008: 299-314
45EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente, Gennaro Parlato: Verification of scope-dependent hierarchical state machines. Inf. Comput. 206(9-10): 1161-1177 (2008)
44EELaura Bozzelli, Salvatore La Torre, Adriano Peron: Verification of well-formed communicating recursive state machines. Theor. Comput. Sci. 403(2-3): 382-405 (2008)
43EELaura Bozzelli, Salvatore La Torre: Decision Problems for Lower/Upper Bound Parametric Timed Automata. ICALP 2007: 925-936
42EESalvatore La Torre, Gennaro Parlato: On the Complexity of LtlModel-Checking of Recursive State Machines. ICALP 2007: 937-948
41EESalvatore La Torre, Parthasarathy Madhusudan, Gennaro Parlato: A Robust Class of Context-Sensitive Languages. LICS 2007: 161-170
40EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: The word problem for visibly pushdown languages described by grammars. Formal Methods in System Design 31(3): 265-279 (2007)
39EEJozef Gruska, Salvatore La Torre, Mimmo Parente: The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem on Squares, Toruses and Rings. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 18(3): 637-654 (2007)
38EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: On the Membership Problem for Visibly Pushdown Languages. ATVA 2006: 96-109
37EELaura Bozzelli, Salvatore La Torre, Adriano Peron: Verification of Well-Formed Communicating Recursive State Machines. VMCAI 2006: 412-426
36EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan: Modular strategies for recursive game graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 354(2): 230-249 (2006)
35EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan: Perturbed Timed Automata. HSCC 2005: 70-85
34EEJozef Gruska, Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: Various Solutions to the Firing Squad Synchronization Problems CoRR abs/cs/0511044: (2005)
33EESalvatore La Torre, Aniello Murano, Margherita Napoli: Weak Muller acceptance conditions for tree automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 332(1-3): 233-250 (2005)
32EEJozef Gruska, Salvatore La Torre, Mimmo Parente: Optimal Time and Communication Solutions of Firing Squad Synchronization Problems on Square Arrays, Toruses and Rings. Developments in Language Theory 2004: 200-211
31EESalvatore La Torre, Aniello Murano: Reasoning About Co-Büchi Tree Automata. ICTAC 2004: 527-542
30EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre: Deterministic generators and games for Ltl fragments. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 5(1): 1-25 (2004)
29EESalvatore La Torre, Aniello Murano, Mimmo Parente: Model-checking the Secure Release of a Time-locked Secret over a Network. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 99: 229-243 (2004)
28EERajeev Alur, Sampath Kannan, Salvatore La Torre: Polyhedral Flows in Hybrid Automata. Formal Methods in System Design 24(3): 261-280 (2004)
27EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, George J. Pappas: Optimal paths in weighted timed automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 318(3): 297-322 (2004)
26EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan: Modular Strategies for Infinite Games on Recursive Graphs. CAV 2003: 67-79
25EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan: Playing Games with Boxes and Diamonds. CONCUR 2003: 127-141
24EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente, Gennaro Parlato: Hierarchical and Recursive State Machines with Context-Dependent Properties. ICALP 2003: 776-789
23EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, P. Madhusudan: Modular Strategies for Recursive Game Graphs. TACAS 2003: 363-378
22EEJean H. Gallier, Salvatore La Torre, Supratik Mukhopadhyay: Deterministic finite automata with recursive calls and DPDAs. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(4): 187-193 (2003)
21 Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli: Finite automata on timed omega-trees. Theor. Comput. Sci. 293(3): 479-505 (2003)
20 Salvatore La Torre, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Aniello Murano: Optimal-Reachability and Control for Acyclic Weighted Timed Automata. IFIP TCS 2002: 485-497
19EEMarco Faella, Salvatore La Torre, Aniello Murano: Dense Real-Time Games. LICS 2002: 167-176
18EESalvatore La Torre, Aniello Murano, Margherita Napoli: Weak Muller Acceptance Conditions for Tree Automata. VMCAI 2002: 240-254
17EEMarco Faella, Salvatore La Torre, Aniello Murano: Automata-Theoretic Decision of Timed Games. VMCAI 2002: 94-108
16EERajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre, George J. Pappas: Optimal Paths in Weighted Timed Automata. HSCC 2001: 49-62
15 Rajeev Alur, Salvatore La Torre: Deterministic Generators and Games for LTL Fragments. LICS 2001: 291-302
14EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: Firing Squad Synchronization Problem on Bidimensional Cellular Automata with Communication Constraints. MCU 2001: 264-275
13EERajeev Alur, Kousha Etessami, Salvatore La Torre, Doron Peled: Parametric temporal logic for "model measuring". ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 2(3): 388-407 (2001)
12EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli: Timed tree automata with an application to temporal logic. Acta Inf. 38(2): 89-116 (2001)
11EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli: A Model of Finite Automata on Timed omega-Trees. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 42: (2001)
10EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli: Automata-based Representations for Infinite Graphs. ITA 35(4): 311-330 (2001)
9EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli: A Decidable Dense Branching-Time Temporal Logic. FSTTCS 2000: 139-150
8EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: A compositional approach to synchronize two dimensional networks of processors. ITA 34(6): 549-564 (2000)
7EERajeev Alur, Sampath Kannan, Salvatore La Torre: Polyhedral Flows in Hybrid Automata. HSCC 1999: 5-18
6EERajeev Alur, Kousha Etessami, Salvatore La Torre, Doron Peled: Parametric Temporal Logic for "Model Measuring". ICALP 1999: 159-168
5EESalvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli: Representing Hyper-Graphs by Regular Languages. MFCS 1998: 571-579
4 Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Domenico Parente: Synchronization of a Line of Identical Processors at a Given Time. Fundam. Inform. 34(1-2): 103-128 (1998)
3 Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: Synchronization of 1-Way Connected Processors. FCT 1997: 293-304
2 Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Mimmo Parente: Synchronization of a Line of Identical Processors at a Given Time. TAPSOFT 1997: 405-416
1 Salvatore La Torre, Margherita Napoli, Domenico Parente: Parallel Word Substitution. Fundam. Inform. 27(1): 27-36 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Rajeev Alur [6] [7] [13] [15] [16] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [35] [36]
2Laura Bozzelli [37] [43] [44]
3Kousha Etessami [6] [13]
4Marco Faella [17] [19]
5Jean H. Gallier [22]
6Jozef Gruska [32] [34] [39]
7Sampath Kannan [7] [28]
8P. Madhusudan (Parthasarathy Madhusudan) [23] [25] [26] [35] [36] [41] [46] [47]
9Supratik Mukhopadhyay [20] [22]
10Aniello Murano [17] [18] [19] [20] [29] [31] [33]
11Margherita Napoli [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [18] [21] [24] [33] [34] [38] [40] [45]
12George J. Pappas [16] [27]
13Mimmo Parente (Domenico Parente) [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [14] [24] [29] [32] [34] [38] [39] [40] [45]
14Gennaro Parlato [24] [41] [42] [45] [46] [47]
15Doron Peled [6] [13]
16Adriano Peron [37] [44]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)