2008 |
60 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science, Some Notes
CoRR abs/0805.0585: (2008) |
2006 |
59 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
Simple Methods For Drawing Rational Surfaces as Four or Six Bezier Patches
CoRR abs/cs/0606055: (2006) |
58 | EE | Jean H. Gallier,
Weqing Gu:
Fast and Simple Methods For Computing Control Points
CoRR abs/cs/0606056: (2006) |
57 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
On the Efficiency of Strategies for Subdividing Polynomial Triangular Surface Patches
CoRR abs/cs/0606061: (2006) |
56 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
The Completeness of Propositional Resolution: A Simple and Constructive<br> Proof
CoRR abs/cs/0606084: (2006) |
55 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
The Completeness of Propositional Resolution: A Simple and Constructive Proof.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 2(5): (2006) |
2005 |
54 | EE | Suneeta Ramaswami,
Marcelo Siqueira,
Tessa A. Sundaram,
Jean H. Gallier,
James C. Gee:
Constrained quadrilateral meshes of bounded size.
Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(1): 55-98 (2005) |
2003 |
53 | EE | Suneeta Ramaswami,
Marcelo Siqueira,
Tessa A. Sundaram,
Jean H. Gallier,
James C. Gee:
A New Algorithm for Generating Quadrilateral Meshes and its Application to FE-Based Image Registration.
IMR 2003: 159-170 |
52 | EE | Jean H. Gallier,
Salvatore La Torre,
Supratik Mukhopadhyay:
Deterministic finite automata with recursive calls and DPDAs.
Inf. Process. Lett. 87(4): 187-193 (2003) |
1999 |
51 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
A simple method for drawing a rational curve as two Bézier segments.
ACM Trans. Graph. 18(4): 316-328 (1999) |
1998 |
50 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Typing Untyped lambda-Terms, or Reducibility Strikes Again!
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 91(2-3): 231-270 (1998) |
1997 |
49 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
Drawing Closed Rational Surfaces.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 370-372 |
48 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Kripke Models and the (In)equational Logic of the Second-Order lambda-Calculus.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 84(3): 257-316 (1997) |
47 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Erratum to ``What's So Special About Kruskal's Theorem and the Ordinal Gamma0? A Survey of Some Results in Proof Theory''.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 89(2-3): 275 (1997) |
1996 |
46 | | Douglas DeCarlo,
Jean H. Gallier:
Topological Evolution of Surfaces.
Graphics Interface 1996: 194-203 |
1995 |
45 | EE | Jean H. Gallier:
Proving Properties of Typed lambda-Terms Using Realizability, Covers, and Sheaves.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 142(2): 299-368 (1995) |
1994 |
44 | | Val Tannen,
Jean H. Gallier:
Polymorphic Rewriting Conserves Algebraic Confluence
Inf. Comput. 114(1): 1-29 (1994) |
1993 |
43 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Proving Properties of Typed Lambda Terms: Realizability, Covers, and Sheaves (Abstract).
RTA 1993: 136 |
42 | EE | Jean H. Gallier,
Paliath Narendran,
David A. Plaisted,
Stan Raatz,
Wayne Snyder:
An Algorithm for Finding Canonical Sets of Ground Rewrite Rules in Polynomial Time.
J. ACM 40(1): 1-16 (1993) |
41 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Constructive Logics Part I: A Tutorial on Proof Systems and Typed gamma-Calculi.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 110(2): 249-339 (1993) |
1992 |
40 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Unification procedures in automated deduction methods based on matings: A survey.
Tree Automata and Languages 1992: 439- |
39 | EE | Jean H. Gallier,
Paliath Narendran,
Stan Raatz,
Wayne Snyder:
Theorem Proving Using Equational Matings and Rigid E-Unification.
J. ACM 39(2): 377-429 (1992) |
1991 |
38 | | Jean H. Gallier:
What's So Special About Kruskal's Theorem and the Ordinal Gamma0? A Survey of Some Results in Proof Theory.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 53(3): 199-260 (1991) |
37 | | Val Tannen,
Jean H. Gallier:
Polymorphic Rewriting Conserves Algebraic Strong Normalization.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 83(1): 3-28 (1991) |
1990 |
36 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Paliath Narendran,
David A. Plaisted,
Wayne Snyder:
Rigid E-Unification: NP-Completeness and Applications to Equational Matings
Inf. Comput. 87(1/2): 129-195 (1990) |
1989 |
35 | | Val Tannen,
Jean H. Gallier:
Polymorphic Rewriting Conserves Algebraic Strong Normalization and Confluence.
ICALP 1989: 137-150 |
34 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Stan Raatz:
Extending SLD Resolution to Equational Horn Clauses using E-Unification.
J. Log. Program. 6(1&2): 3-43 (1989) |
33 | | Wayne Snyder,
Jean H. Gallier:
Higher-Order Unification Revisited: Complete Sets of Transformations.
J. Symb. Comput. 8(1/2): 101-140 (1989) |
32 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Wayne Snyder:
Complete Sets of Transformations for General E-Unification.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 67(2&3): 203-260 (1989) |
1988 |
31 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Paliath Narendran,
David A. Plaisted,
Stan Raatz,
Wayne Snyder:
Finding Canonical Rewriting Systems Equivalent to a Finite Set of Ground Equations in Polynomial Time.
CADE 1988: 182-196 |
30 | | Stan Raatz,
Jean H. Gallier:
A Relational Semantics for Logic Programming.
ICLP/SLP 1988: 1024-1035 |
29 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Tomás Isakowitz:
Rewriting in Order-sorted Equational Logic.
ICLP/SLP 1988: 280-294 |
28 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Wayne Snyder,
Paliath Narendran,
David A. Plaisted:
Rigid E-Unification is NP-Complete
LICS 1988: 218-227 |
1987 |
27 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Stan Raatz,
Wayne Snyder:
Theorem Proving Using Rigid E-Unification Equational Matings
LICS 1987: 338-346 |
26 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Wayne Snyder:
A General Complete E-Unification Procedure.
RTA 1987: 216-227 |
25 | | Bruno Courcelle,
Jean H. Gallier:
Decidable Subcases of The Equivalence Problem for Recursive Program Schemes.
ITA 21(3): 245-286 (1987) |
24 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Stan Raatz:
Hornlog: A Graph-Based Interpreter for General Horn Clauses.
J. Log. Program. 4(2): 119-155 (1987) |
23 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Fast Algorithms for Testing Unsatisfiability of Ground Horn Clauses with Equations.
J. Symb. Comput. 4(2): 233-254 (1987) |
22 | | Alex Pelin,
Jean H. Gallier:
Building Exact Computation Sequences.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 53: 125-150 (1987) |
1986 |
21 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving
Harper & Row 1986 |
20 | | Alex Pelin,
Jean H. Gallier:
Exact Computation Sequences.
CAAP 1986: 45-59 |
19 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Stan Raatz:
SLD-Resolution Methods for Horn Clauses with Equality Based on E-Unification.
SLP 1986: 168-179 |
18 | | William F. Dowling,
Jean H. Gallier:
Continuation Semantics for Flowgraph Equations.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 44: 307-331 (1986) |
1985 |
17 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Stan Raatz:
Logic Programming and Graph Rewriting.
SLP 1985: 208-219 |
16 | | Karl M. Schimpf,
Jean H. Gallier:
Tree Pushdown Automata.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 30(1): 25-40 (1985) |
15 | | Jean H. Gallier,
Ronald V. Book:
Reductions in Tree Replacement Systems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 37: 123-150 (1985) |
1984 |
14 | | Alex Pelin,
Jean H. Gallier:
Solving Word Problems in Free Algebras Using Complexity Functions.
CADE 1984: 476-495 |
13 | | William F. Dowling,
Jean H. Gallier:
Linear-Time Algorithms for Testing the Satisfiability of Propositional Horn Formulae.
J. Log. Program. 1(3): 267-284 (1984) |
12 | | Jean H. Gallier:
n-Rational Algebras I. Basic Properties and Free Algebras.
SIAM J. Comput. 13(4): 750-775 (1984) |
11 | | Jean H. Gallier:
n-Rational Algebras II. Varieties and Logic of Inequalities.
SIAM J. Comput. 13(4): 776-794 (1984) |
1982 |
10 | | Fahimeh Jalili,
Jean H. Gallier:
Building Friendly Parsers.
POPL 1982: 196-206 |
9 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Corrigendum: DPDA's in "Atomic Normal Form" and Applications to Equivalence Problems. TCS 14(1981) 155-186.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 17: 111 (1982) |
8 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Corrigendum: DPDA's in "Atomic Normal Form" and Applications to Equivalence Problems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 19: 229 (1982) |
1981 |
7 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Recursion-Closed Algebraic Theories.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 23(1): 69-105 (1981) |
6 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Nondeterministic Flowchart Programs with Recursive Procedures: Semantics and Correctness I.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 13: 193-223 (1981) |
5 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Nondeterministic Flowchart Programs with Recursive Procedures: Semantics and Correctness II.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 13: 239-270 (1981) |
4 | | Jean H. Gallier:
DPDA's in `Atomic Normal Form' and Applications to Equivalence Problems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 14: 155-186 (1981) |
1980 |
3 | | Jean H. Gallier:
On The Existence of Optimal Fixpoints.
Mathematical Systems Theory 13: 209-217 (1980) |
1979 |
2 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Recursion Schemes and Generalized Interpretations (Extended Abstract).
ICALP 1979: 256-270 |
1978 |
1 | | Jean H. Gallier:
Semantics and Correctness of Nondeterministic Flowchart Programs with Recursive Procedures.
ICALP 1978: 251-267 |