
Keiichi Tokuda

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29EEHeiga Zen, Tomoki Toda, Keiichi Tokuda: The Nitech-NAIST HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System for the Blizzard Challenge 2006. IEICE Transactions 91-D(6): 1764-1773 (2008)
28EETomoki Toda, Alan W. Black, Keiichi Tokuda: Statistical mapping between articulatory movements and acoustic spectrum using a Gaussian mixture model. Speech Communication 50(3): 215-227 (2008)
27EEHeiga Zen, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura: Reformulating the HMM as a trajectory model by imposing explicit relationships between static and dynamic feature vector sequences. Computer Speech & Language 21(1): 153-173 (2007)
26EETomoki Toda, Alan W. Black, Keiichi Tokuda: Voice Conversion Based on Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Spectral Parameter Trajectory. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(8): 2222-2235 (2007)
25EEHeiga Zen, Tomoki Toda, Masaru Nakamura, Keiichi Tokuda: Details of the Nitech HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System for the Blizzard Challenge 2005. IEICE Transactions 90-D(1): 325-333 (2007)
24EEHeiga Zen, Takashi Masuko, Keiichi Tokuda, Takayoshi Yoshimura, Takao Kobayashi, Tadashi Kitamura: State Duration Modeling for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis. IEICE Transactions 90-D(3): 692-693 (2007)
23EETomoki Toda, Keiichi Tokuda: A Speech Parameter Generation Algorithm Considering Global Variance for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis. IEICE Transactions 90-D(5): 816-824 (2007)
22EEHeiga Zen, Keiichi Tokuda, Takashi Masuko, Takao Kobayashi, Tadashi Kitamura: A Hidden Semi-Markov Model-Based Speech Synthesis System. IEICE Transactions 90-D(5): 825-834 (2007)
21EEToru Takahashi, Keiichi Tokuda, Takao Kobayashi, Tadashi Kitamura: Vector quantization of mel-cepstral coefficients using distortion measure for spectral analysis. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(13): 104-114 (2007)
20EEKeiichi Tokuda: An HMM-Based Approach to Flexible Speech Synthesis. ISCSLP 2006: 17
19EETakashi Masuko, Takao Kobayashi, Keiichi Tokuda: Very low bit rate speech coding based on HMM with speaker adaptation. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(2): 67-78 (2006)
18EEAmaro Lima, Heiga Zen, Yoshihiko Nankaku, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura, Fernando Gil Resende: Applying Sparse KPCA for Feature Extraction in Speech Recognition. IEICE Transactions 88-D(3): 401-409 (2005)
17EEHiroyuki Suzuki, Heiga Zen, Yoshihiko Nankaku, Chiyomi Miyajima, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura: Continuous Speech Recognition Based on General Factor Dependent Acoustic Models. IEICE Transactions 88-D(3): 410-417 (2005)
16EEHiroyoshi Yamamoto, Yoshihiko Nankaku, Chiyomi Miyajima, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura: Parameter Sharing in Mixture of Factor Analyzers for Speaker Identification. IEICE Transactions 88-D(3): 418-424 (2005)
15EEYohei Itaya, Heiga Zen, Yoshihiko Nankaku, Chiyomi Miyajima, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura: Deterministic Annealing EM Algorithm in Acoustic Modeling for Speaker and Speech Recognition. IEICE Transactions 88-D(3): 425-431 (2005)
14EETakayoshi Yoshimura, Keiichi Tokuda, Takashi Masuko, Takao Kobayashi, Tadashi Kitamura: Incorporating a mixed excitation model and postfilter into HMM-based text-to-speech synthesis. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(12): 43-50 (2005)
13EEHeiga Zen, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura: Simultaneous clustering of phonetic context, dimension, and state position for acoustic modeling using decision trees. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(14): 44-55 (2005)
12EEMasatsune Tamura, Takashi Masuko, Keiichi Tokuda, Takao Kobayashi: Speaker adaptation of pitch and spectrum for HMM-based speech synthesis. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(11): 59-68 (2004)
11EEJunibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda: A new algorithm for updating adaptive system. APCCAS (1) 2002: 393-396
10EETakashi Masuko, Keiichi Tokuda, Noboru Miyazaki, Takao Kobayashi: Pitch pattern generation using multispace probability distribution HMM. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(6): 62-72 (2002)
9EEJunibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda: Fast convergence transversal adaptive filtering algorithm for impulsive environment based on T distribution assumption. ISCAS (2) 2001: 673-676
8EEJun Hiroi, Keiichi Tokuda, Takashi Masuko, Takao Kobayashi, Tadashi Kitamura: Very low bit rate speech coding based on HMMs. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(12): 38-46 (2001)
7 Yoshihiko Nankaku, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura, Takao Kobayashi: Normalized Training for HMM-Based Visual Speech Recognition. ICIP 2000
6EEJunibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda: RLS-type two-dimensional adaptive filter with a t-distribution assumption. Signal Processing 80(12): 2483-2495 (2000)
5 Oscar Vanegas, Keiichi Tokuda, Tadashi Kitamura: Location Normalization of HMM-Based Lip Reading: Experiments for the M2VTS Database. ICIP (2) 1999: 343-347
4 Junibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda: Image Modeling Using Two Dimensional Exponential Systems. ICIP (4) 1999: 386-389
3 Junibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda: LMS-like two dimensional adaptive filter with t-distribution assumption and nonsymmetrical half-plane support. NSIP 1999: 419-423
2EEJunibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda: A New Robust Two Dimensional Spectral Estimation Based on an AR Model Excited by a t Distribution Process and its QR-Decomposition Recursive Algorithm. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 9(1-2): 51-66 (1999)
1 Fernando Gil Resende, Keiichi Tokuda, Mineo Kaneko: AR Spectrum Estimation Based on Wavelet Representation. ISCAS 1994: 625-628

Coauthor Index

1Alan W. Black [26] [28]
2Jun Hiroi [8]
3Yohei Itaya [15]
4Mineo Kaneko [1]
5Tadashi Kitamura [5] [7] [8] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [21] [22] [24] [27]
6Takao Kobayashi [7] [8] [10] [12] [14] [19] [21] [22] [24]
7Amaro Lima [18]
8Takashi Masuko [8] [10] [12] [14] [19] [22] [24]
9Chiyomi Miyajima [15] [16] [17]
10Noboru Miyazaki [10]
11Masaru Nakamura [25]
12Yoshihiko Nankaku [7] [15] [16] [17] [18]
13Fernando Gil Resende [1] [18]
14Junibakti Sanubari [2] [3] [4] [6] [9] [11]
15Hiroyuki Suzuki [17]
16Toru Takahashi [21]
17Masatsune Tamura [12]
18Tomoki Toda [23] [25] [26] [28] [29]
19Oscar Vanegas [5]
20Hiroyoshi Yamamoto [16]
21Takayoshi Yoshimura [14] [24]
22Heiga Zen [13] [15] [17] [18] [22] [24] [25] [27] [29]

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