
Yoshihiro Tohma

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15EEOsamu Miyakawa, Yoshihiro Tohma: Software reliability evaluation in service operation. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(1): 97-104 (2007)
14 Yoshihiro Tohma, Masao Mukaidono: Current research activities on dependable computing and other dependability issues in Japan. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 121-134
13EEYoshihiro Tohma: Incorporating Fault Tolerance into an Autonomic-Computing Environment. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 5(2): (2004)
12EEYoshihiro Tohma: Dependability Issue on Autonomic Computing Environment. ISORC 2003: 71-74
11EEYoshihiro Tohma: Fault Tolerance in Autonomic Computing Environment. PRDC 2002: 3-8
10EEYoshihiro Tohma, Takuya Iwata: Fault-tolerant neural networks with higher functionality. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(10): 22-33 (1999)
9 Yoshihiro Tohma, Yoichi Koyanagi: Fault-Tolerant Design of Neural Networks for Solving Optimization Problems. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(12): 1450-1455 (1996)
8 Yoshihiro Tohma, Yoichi Koyanagi: Design of Neural Networks to Tolerate the Mixture of Two Types of Faults. FTCS 1993: 268-277
7 Yoichi Koyanagi, Yoshihiro Tohma: Fault Tolerant Neural Networks in Optimization Problems. FTCS 1992: 412-418
6EERaymond Jacoby, Yoshihiro Tohma: Parameter Value Computation by Least Square Method and Evaluation of Software Availability and Reliability at Service-Operation by the Hyper-Geometric Distribution Software Reliability Growth Model (HGDM). ICSE 1991: 226-237
5EEYoshihiro Tohma, Hisashi Yamano, Morio Ohba, Raymond Jacoby: The Estimation of Parameters of the Hypergeometric Distribution and Its Application to the Software Reliability Growth Model. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(5): 483-489 (1991)
4EEYoshihiro Tohma, Kenshin Tokunaga, Shinji Nagase, Yukihisa Murata: Structural Approach to the Estimation of the Number of Residual Software Faults Based on the Hyper-Geometric Distribution. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(3): 345-355 (1989)
3 Yoshihiro Tohma, Kenji Goto: Test Generation for Large-Scale Combinational Circuits by Using Prolog. LP 1987: 298-312
2 Takashi Nanya, Yoshihiro Tohma: Universal Multicode STT State Assignments for Asynchronous Sequential Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(11): 811-818 (1979)
1 Takashi Nanya, Yoshihiro Tohma: On Universal Single Transition Time Asynchronous State Assignments. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(8): 781-782 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Kenji Goto [3]
2Takuya Iwata [10]
3Raymond Jacoby [5] [6]
4Yoichi Koyanagi [7] [8] [9]
5Osamu Miyakawa [15]
6Masao Mukaidono [14]
7Yukihisa Murata [4]
8Shinji Nagase [4]
9Takashi Nanya [1] [2]
10Morio Ohba [5]
11Kenshin Tokunaga [4]
12Hisashi Yamano [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)