
Alexander Toet

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12EESander E. M. Jansen, Alexander Toet, Nico J. Delleman: Effects of horizontal field-of-view restriction on manoeuvring performance through complex structured environments. APGV 2008: 189
11EEEric Groen, Marjolaine Oosterbeek, Alexander Toet, Ignace Hooge: Discrimination of Concurrent Vibrotactile Stimuli. EuroHaptics 2008: 23-32
10EEEllen Lisette Schuurink, Joske Houtkamp, Alexander Toet: Engagement and EMG in Serious Gaming: Experimenting with Sound and Dynamics in the Levee Patroller Training Game. Fun and Games 2008: 139-149
9 Alexander Toet: Integrated Design of Intelligent Surveillance Systems and their User Interface. IC-AI 2005: 17-23
8EERosa Rodriguez-Sánchez, Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia, Alexander Toet, Jose A. García: The relationship between information prioritization and visual distinctness in two progressive image transmission schemes. Pattern Recognition 37(2): 281-297 (2004)
7EEAlexander Toet: Natural colour mapping for multiband nightvision imagery. Information Fusion 4(3): 155-166 (2003)
6EEAlexander Toet, Walter P. Hajena: Genetic contour matching. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(8): 849-856 (1995)
5EEAlexander Toet: Multiscale color image enhancement. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(3): 167-174 (1992)
4 Alexander Toet: Hierarchical clustering through morphological graph transformation. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(7): 391-399 (1991)
3EEP. Werkhoven, Alexander Toet, Jan J. Koenderink: Displacement Estimates Through Adaptive Affinities. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(7): 658-663 (1990)
2EEAlexander Toet: Adaptive multi-scale contrast enhancement through non-linear pyramid recombination. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(11): 735-742 (1990)
1EEAlexander Toet: A hierarchical morphological image decomposition. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(4): 267-274 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Nico J. Delleman [12]
2Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia [8]
3Jose A. García [8]
4Eric Groen [11]
5Walter P. Hajena [6]
6Ignace Hooge [11]
7Joske Houtkamp [10]
8Sander E. M. Jansen [12]
9Jan J. Koenderink [3]
10Marjolaine Oosterbeek [11]
11Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez [8]
12Ellen Lisette Schuurink [10]
13P. Werkhoven [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)