
José A. Tierno

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5EEJosé A. Tierno, Sergey Rylov, Alexander Rylyakov, Montek Singh, Steven M. Nowick: An Adaptively-Pipelined Mixed Synchronous-Asynchronous Digital FIR Filter Chip Operating at 1.3 GigaHertz. ASYNC 2002: 84-
4EEZ. John Deng, Steve R. Whiteley, Theodore Van Duzer, José A. Tierno: Asynchronous Circuits and Systems in Superconducting RSFQ Digital Technology. ASYNC 1998: 274-
3 Rajit Manohar, José A. Tierno: Asynchronous Parallel Prefix Computation. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(11): 1244-1252 (1998)
2 José A. Tierno, Prabhakar Kudva: Asynchronous Transpose-Matrix Architectures. ICCD 1997: 423-428
1EEJosé A. Tierno, Alain J. Martin, Drazen Borkovic, Tak-Kwan Lee: A 100-MIPS GaAs Asynchronous Microprocessor. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 11(2): 43-49 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Drazen Borkovic [1]
2Z. John Deng [4]
3Theodore Van Duzer [4]
4Prabhakar Kudva [2]
5Tak-Kwan Lee [1]
6Rajit Manohar [3]
7Alain J. Martin [1]
8Steven M. Nowick [5]
9Sergey Rylov [5]
10Alexander Rylyakov [5]
11Montek Singh [5]
12Steve R. Whiteley [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)