
Alexander Koller

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23EEAlexander Koller, Alex Lascarides: A Logic of Semantic Representations for Shallow Parsing. EACL 2009: 451-459
22EEAlexander Koller, Marco Kuhlmann: Dependency Trees and the Strong Generative Capacity of CCG. EACL 2009: 460-468
21EEAlexander Koller, Donna Byron, Justine Cassell, Robert Dale, Johanna Moore, Jon Oberlander, Kristina Striegnitz: The Software Architecture for the First Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments. EACL (Demos) 2009: 33-36
20EEAlexander Koller, Matthew Stone: Sentence generation as a planning problem. ACL 2007
19EEAlexander Koller, Stefan Thater: An Improved Redundancy Elimination Algorithm for Underspecified Representations. ACL 2006
18EEAlexander Koller, Stefan Thater: Efficient Solving and Exploration of Scope Ambiguities. ACL 2005
17EERuth Fuchss, Alexander Koller, Joachim Niehren, Stefan Thater: Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints: Translation, Evaluation, and Analysis. ACL 2004: 247-254
16EEErnst Althaus, Nikiforos Karamanis, Alexander Koller: Computing Locally Coherent Discourses. ACL 2004: 399-406
15EEAlexander Koller, Ralph Debusmann, Malte Gabsdil, Kristina Striegnitz: Put My Galakmid Coin into the Dispenser and Kick It: Computational Linguistics and Theorem Proving in a Computer Game. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13(2): 187-206 (2004)
14EEAlexander Koller, Joachim Niehren, Stefan Thater: Underspecification formalisms: Hole semantics as dominance constraints. EACL 2003: 195-202
13EEErnst Althaus, Denys Duchier, Alexander Koller, Kurt Mehlhorn, Joachim Niehren, Sven Thiel: An efficient graph algorithm for dominance constraints. J. Algorithms 48(1): 194-219 (2003)
12EEMichael Kohlhase, Alexander Koller: Resource-Adaptive Model Generation as a Performance Model. Logic Journal of the IGPL 11(4): 435-456 (2003)
11EEAlexander Koller, Kristina Striegnitz: Generation as Dependency Parsing. ACL 2002: 17-24
10EEMalte Gabsdil, Alexander Koller, Kristina Striegnitz: Natural Language and Inference in a Computer Game. COLING 2002
9EEManuel Bodirsky, Katrin Erk, Alexander Koller, Joachim Niehren: Underspecified Beta Reduction. ACL 2001: 74-81
8EEManuel Bodirsky, Katrin Erk, Alexander Koller, Joachim Niehren: Beta Reduction Constraints. RTA 2001: 31-46
7EEErnst Althaus, Denys Duchier, Alexander Koller, Kurt Mehlhorn, Joachim Niehren, Sven Thiel: An efficient algorithm for the configuration problem of dominance graphs. SODA 2001: 815-824
6 Markus Egg, Alexander Koller, Joachim Niehren: The Constraint Language for Lambda Structures. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10(4): 457-485 (2001)
5EEAlexander Koller, Kurt Mehlhorn, Joachim Niehren: A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints. ACL 2000
4EEAlexander Koller, Joachim Niehren: On Underspecified Processing of Dynamic Semantics. COLING 2000: 460-466
3 Alexander Koller, Joachim Niehren, Kristina Striegnitz: Relaxing Underspecified Semantic Representations for Reinterpretation. Grammars 3(2/3): 217-241 (2000)
2EEAlexander Koller, Joachim Niehren, Ralf Treinen: Dominance Constraints: Algorithms and Complexity. LACL 1998: 106-125
1EEJoachim Niehren, Alexander Koller: Dominance Constraints in Context Unification. LACL 1998: 199-218

Coauthor Index

1Ernst Althaus [7] [13] [16]
2Manuel Bodirsky [8] [9]
3Donna Byron [21]
4Justine Cassell [21]
5Robert Dale [21]
6Ralph Debusmann [15]
7Denys Duchier [7] [13]
8Markus Egg [6]
9Katrin Erk [8] [9]
10Ruth Fuchss [17]
11Malte Gabsdil [10] [15]
12Nikiforos Karamanis [16]
13Michael Kohlhase [12]
14Marco Kuhlmann [22]
15Alex Lascarides [23]
16Kurt Mehlhorn [5] [7] [13]
17Johanna Moore [21]
18Joachim Niehren [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13] [14] [17]
19Jon Oberlander [21]
20Matthew Stone [20]
21Kristina Striegnitz [3] [10] [11] [15] [21]
22Stefan Thater [14] [17] [18] [19]
23Sven Thiel [7] [13]
24Ralf Treinen [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)