
Mariët Theune

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14EEYujia Cao, Mariët Theune, Anton Nijholt: Modality effects on cognitive load and performance in high-load information presentation. IUI 2009: 335-344
13EEMarkus de Jong, Mariët Theune, Dennis Hofs: Politeness and alignment in dialogues with a virtual guide. AAMAS (1) 2008: 207-214
12EEIvo Swartjes, Edze Kruizinga, Mariët Theune: Let's Pretend I Had a Sword: Late Commitment in Emergent Narrative. ICIDS 2008: 264-267
11EEIvo Swartjes, Edze Kruizinga, Mariët Theune, Dirk Heylen: Emergent Narrative and Late Commitment. IVA 2008: 543-544
10EEKatri Oinonen, Mariët Theune, Anton Nijholt, Jasper Uijlings: Designing a Story Database for Use in Automatic Story Generation. ICEC 2006: 298-301
9EEIvo Swartjes, Mariët Theune: A Fabula Model for Emergent Narrative. TIDSE 2006: 49-60
8EEMariët Theune, K. Meijs, Dirk Heylen, R. Ordelman: Generating expressive speech for storytelling applications. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(4): 1137-1144 (2006)
7EEKatri Oinonen, Mariët Theune, Anton Nijholt, Dirk Heylen: Getting the Story Right: Making Computer-Generated Stories More Entertaining. INTETAIN 2005: 267-271
6EERenate ten Ham, Mariët Theune, Ard Heuvelman, Ria Verleur: Judging Laura: Perceived Qualities of a Mediated Human Versus an Embodied Agent. IVA 2005: 381-393
5EEKees van Deemter, Mariët Theune, Emiel Krahmer: Real versus Template-Based Natural Language Generation: A False Opposition? Computational Linguistics 31(1): 15-24 (2005)
4EEMariët Theune, Sander Rensen, Rieks op den Akker, Dirk Heylen, Anton Nijholt: Emotional Characters for Automatic Plot Creation. TIDSE 2004: 95-100
3EEMariët Theune: Contrast in concept-to-speech generation. Computer Speech & Language 16(3-4): 491-531 (2002)
2 Mariët Theune, Anton Nijholt, Hendri Hondorp: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001, Selected Papers from the Twelfth CLIN Meeting, Twente, November 30, 2001 Rodopi 2001
1 Mariët Theune: Contrastive Accent in a Data-to-Speech System. ACL 1997: 519-521

Coauthor Index

1Rieks op den Akker [4]
2Yujia Cao [14]
3Kees van Deemter [5]
4Renate ten Ham [6]
5Ard Heuvelman [6]
6Dirk Heylen [4] [7] [8] [11]
7Dennis Hofs [13]
8Hendri Hondorp [2]
9Markus de Jong [13]
10Emiel Krahmer [5]
11Edze Kruizinga [11] [12]
12K. Meijs [8]
13Anton Nijholt [2] [4] [7] [10] [14]
14Katri Oinonen [7] [10]
15R. Ordelman [8]
16Sander Rensen [4]
17Ivo Swartjes [9] [11] [12]
18Jasper Uijlings [10]
19Ria Verleur [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)