
Donald W. King

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11EECarol Tenopir, Donald W. King, Peter B. Boyce, Matt Grayson, Keri-Lynn Paulson: Relying on electronic journals: Reading patterns of astronomers. JASIST 56(8): 786-802 (2005)
10EEHelen Belefant-Miller, Donald W. King: a Profile of Faculty Reading and Information-use Behaviors on the Cusp of the Electronic Age. JASIST 54(2): 179-181 (2003)
9EEDonald W. King, Peter B. Boyce, Carol Hansen Montgomery, Carol Tenopir: Library Economic Metrics: Examples of the Comparison of Electronic and Print Journal Collections and Collection Services. Library Trends 51(3): (2003)
8EECarol Hansen Montgomery, Donald W. King: Comparing Library and User Related Costs of Print and Electronic Journal Collections: A First Step Towards a Comprehensive Analysis. D-Lib Magazine 8(10): (2002)
7EEDonald W. King, Carol Hansen Montgomery: After Migration to an Electronic Journal Collection: Impact on Faculty and Doctoral Students. D-Lib Magazine 8(12): (2002)
6EEJosé-Marie Griffiths, Donald W. King: US Information Retrieval System Evolution and Evaluation. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 24(3): 35-55 (2002)
5EERichard J. Cox, Mary K. Biagini, Toni Carbo, Anthony Debons, Ellen Detlefsen, José-Marie Griffiths, Donald W. King, David Robins, Richard A. Thompson, Christinger Tomer, Martin B. H. Weiss: The Day the World Changed: Implications for Archival, Library, and Information Science Education. First Monday 6(12): (2001)
4 Donald W. King: Some Economic Aspects of the Internet. JASIS 49(11): 990-1002 (1998)
3EEDonald W. King, José-Marie Griffiths: Economic Issues Concerning Electronic Publishing and Distribution of Scholary Articles. Library Trends 43(4): 713-740 (1995)
2EEJosé-Marie Griffiths, Donald W. King: An Approach to Enhancement of Statistical Survey Databases. SIGIR 1983: 239-245
1EEDonald W. King, E. C. Bryant: A diagnostic model for evaluating retrospective search systems. Information Storage and Retrieval 6(3): 261-272 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Helen Belefant-Miller [10]
2Mary K. Biagini [5]
3Peter B. Boyce [9] [11]
4E. C. Bryant [1]
5Toni Carbo [5]
6Richard J. Cox [5]
7Anthony Debons [5]
8Ellen Gay Detlefsen (Ellen Detlefsen) [5]
9Matt Grayson [11]
10José-Marie Griffiths [2] [3] [5] [6]
11Carol Hansen Montgomery [7] [8] [9]
12Keri-Lynn Paulson [11]
13David Robins [5]
14Carol Tenopir [9] [11]
15Richard A. Thompson [5]
16Christinger Tomer [5]
17Martin B. H. Weiss [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)