
Wassim Tawbi

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8 L. Besse, Laurent Dairaine, Linda Fedaoui, Wassim Tawbi, K. Thai: Towards an Architecture for Distributed Multimedia Applications Support. ICMCS 1994: 164-172
7 Wassim Tawbi, Anne Fladenmuller, Eric Horlait: End-system QoS management of multimedia applications. Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1993: 203-213
6 Wassim Tawbi, Linda Fedaoui, Eric Horlait: Dynamic QoS Issues in Distributed Multimedia Systems. Broadband Islands 1993: 117-124
5 Linda Fedaoui, Wassim Tawbi, Eric Horlait: Distributed Mulitmedia Systems Quality of Service in ODP Framework of Abstraction: A First Study. Open Distributed Processing 1993: 265-274
4 Wassim Tawbi, François Horn, Eric Horlait, Jean-Bernard Stefani: Video Compression Standards and Quality of Service. Comput. J. 36(1): 43-54 (1993)
3 Wassim Tawbi, Sylvie Dupuy, Eric Horlait: High Speed Protocols: State of the Art in Multimedia Applications. INDC 1992: 91-106
2 Wassim Tawbi, Linda Fedaoui, Eric Horlait: Management of Multimedia Applications QOS on ATM Networks. NETWORKS 1992: 15-26
1EESylvie Dupuy, Wassim Tawbi, Eric Horlait: Protocols for high-speed multimedia communications networks. Computer Communications 15(6): 349-358 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1L. Besse [8]
2Laurent Dairaine [8]
3Sylvie Dupuy [1] [3]
4Linda Fedaoui [2] [5] [6] [8]
5Anne Fladenmuller [7]
6Eric Horlait [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7François Horn [4]
8Jean-Bernard Stefani [4]
9K. Thai [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)