
Anne Fladenmuller

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11EEMathias Boc, Anne Fladenmuller, Marcelo Dias de Amorim: Design and Evaluation of an Agenda-Based Location Service. GLOBECOM 2008: 5399-5403
10EEGolnaz Karbaschi, Anne Fladenmuller, Bernd E. Wolfinger: Link-quality measurement enhancement for routing in wireless mesh networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-9
9EEMathias Boc, Anne Fladenmuller, Marcelo Dias de Amorim: Otiy: locators tracking nodes. CoNEXT 2007: 14
8EEMathias Boc, Anne Fladenmuller, Marcelo Dias de Amorim: Otiy: Loactors tracking nodes CoRR abs/0709.2252: (2007)
7EEJulien Ridoux, Meriem Kassar, Mathias Boc, Anne Fladenmuller, Yannis Viniotis: Performance of Taroko: a cluster-based addressing and routing scheme for self-organized networks. IWCMC 2006: 109-114
6EEJulien Ridoux, Anne Fladenmuller, Yannis Viniotis, Kavé Salamatian: Trellis-Based Virtual Regular Addressing Structures in Self-organized Networks. NETWORKING 2005: 511-522
5EEErwan Ermel, Anne Fladenmuller, Guy Pujolle, André Cotton: On Selecting Nodes to Improve Estimated Positions. MWCN 2004: 449-460
4EEErwan Ermel, Anne Fladenmuller, Guy Pujolle, André Cotton: Improved Position Estimation in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks. NETWORKING 2004: 1306-1311
3 Anne Fladenmuller, Ranil De Silva: The Effect of Mobile IP Handoffs on the Performance of TCP. MONET 4(2): 131-135 (1999)
2 Anne Fladenmuller, Ranil De Silva: Effects of suer mobility on a TCP transmission. PICS 1998: 275-282
1 Wassim Tawbi, Anne Fladenmuller, Eric Horlait: End-system QoS management of multimedia applications. Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1993: 203-213

Coauthor Index

1Marcelo Dias de Amorim [8] [9] [11]
2Mathias Boc [7] [8] [9] [11]
3André Cotton [4] [5]
4Erwan Ermel [4] [5]
5Eric Horlait [1]
6Golnaz Karbaschi [10]
7Meriem Kassar [7]
8Guy Pujolle [4] [5]
9Julien Ridoux [6] [7]
10Kavé Salamatian [6]
11Ranil De Silva [2] [3]
12Wassim Tawbi [1]
13Yannis Viniotis [6] [7]
14Bernd E. Wolfinger [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)