
Sasu Tarkoma

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34EEK. Haribabu, Dayakar Reddy, Chittaranjan Hota, Antti Ylä-Jääski, Sasu Tarkoma: Adaptive lookup for unstructured peer-to-peer overlays. COMSWARE 2008: 776-782
33EESasu Tarkoma: Fuego toolkit: a modular framework for content-based routing. DEBS 2008: 325-328
32EESasu Tarkoma: Dynamic content-based channels: meeting in the middle. DEBS 2008: 47-58
31EEPetri Savolainen, Niklas Raatikainen, Sasu Tarkoma: Windowing BitTorrent for Video-on-Demand: Not All is Lost with Tit-for-Tat. GLOBECOM 2008: 2463-2468
30EEJaakko Kangasharju, Tancred Lindholm, Sasu Tarkoma: XML Security with Binary XML for Mobile Web Services. Int. J. Web Service Res. 5(3): 1-19 (2008)
29EESasu Tarkoma: Dynamic filter merging and mergeability detection for publish/subscribe. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(5): 681-696 (2008)
28EEJussi Saarinen, Tommi Mikkonen, Sasu Tarkoma, Jani Heikkinen, Risto Pitkänen: Towards a Server-Centric Interaction Architecture for Wireless Applications. TIIS 2(2): 103-119 (2008)
27EESasu Tarkoma: Chained forests for fast subsumption matching. DEBS 2007: 97-102
26 Eemil Lagerspetz, Tancred Lindholm, Sasu Tarkoma: Dessy: Towards Flexible Mobile Desktop Search. DIALM-POMC 2007
25EESasu Tarkoma, Christian Prehofer, Anna V. Zhdanova, Klaus Moessner, Ernö Kovacs: SPICE: Evolving IMS to Next Generation Service Platforms. SAINT Workshops 2007: 6
24EESasu Tarkoma, Bharat Bhushan, Ernö Kovacs, Herma Van Kranenburg, Erwin Postmann, Robert Seidl, Anna V. Zhdanova: Spice: A Service Platform for Future Mobile IMS Services. WOWMOM 2007: 1-8
23EESasu Tarkoma: Dynamic Filter Merging for Publish/Subscribe. WOWMOM 2007: 1-9
22EEJaakko Kangasharju, Tancred Lindholm, Sasu Tarkoma: XML messaging for mobile devices: From requirements to implementation. Computer Networks 51(16): 4634-4654 (2007)
21EESasu Tarkoma, Jaakko Kangasharju: On the cost and safety of handoffs in content-based routing systems. Computer Networks 51(6): 1459-1482 (2007)
20EESasu Tarkoma, Jani Heikkinen, Mikko Pohja: Secure push for mobile airline services. Telecommunication Systems 35(3-4): 177-187 (2007)
19EETancred Lindholm, Jaakko Kangasharju, Sasu Tarkoma: Fast and simple XML tree differencing by sequence alignment. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2006: 75-84
18EESasu Tarkoma: TSR: Temporal Subspace Routing for Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing. GLOBECOM 2006
17EESasu Tarkoma: Preventing Spam in Publish/Subscribe. ICDCS Workshops 2006: 21
16EEJaakko Kangasharju, Tancred Lindholm, Sasu Tarkoma: On Encrypting and Signing Binary XML Messages in the Wireless Environment. ICWS 2006: 637-646
15EESasu Tarkoma, Jaakko Kangasharju: Optimizing content-based routers: posets and forests. Distributed Computing 19(1): 62-77 (2006)
14 Sasu Tarkoma, Jaakko Kangasharju: A Data Structure for Content-based Routing. EuroIMSA 2005: 95-100
13EESasu Tarkoma, Tancred Lindholm, Jaakko Kangasharju: Collection and Object Synchronization Based on Context Information. MATA 2005: 240-251
12EESasu Tarkoma, Jaakko Kangasharju: Handover cost and mobility-safety of content streams. MSWiM 2005: 354-358
11EETancred Lindholm, Jaakko Kangasharju, Sasu Tarkoma: A hybrid approach to optimistic file system directory tree synchronization. MobiDE 2005: 49-56
10EESasu Tarkoma, Jaakko Kangasharju: Filter Merging for Efficient Information Dissemination. OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 274-291
9EEJaakko Kangasharju, Sasu Tarkoma, Tancred Lindholm: Xebu: A Binary Format with Schema-Based Optimizations for XML Data. WISE 2005: 528-535
8EESasu Tarkoma, Mikko Laukkanen: Adaptive Agent-Based Service Composition for Wireless Terminals. CIA 2003: 16-29
7EESasu Tarkoma, Jaakko Kangasharju, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen: Client mobility in rendezvous-notify. DEBS 2003
6 Sasu Tarkoma: Distributed event dissemination for ubiquitous agents. ISPE CE 2003: 105-110
5EEJaakko Kangasharju, Sasu Tarkoma, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen: Comparing SOAP Performance for Various Encodings, Protocols, and Connections. PWC 2003: 397-406
4EESasu Tarkoma, Mikko Laukkanen: Supporting software agents on small devices. AAMAS 2002: 565-566
3EEPhil Buckle, Tom Moore, Steve Robertshaw, Alan Treadway, Sasu Tarkoma, Stefan Poslad: Scalability in Multi-agent Systems: The FIPA-OS Perspective. Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems 2002: 110-130
2EESasu Tarkoma, Mikko Laukkanen: Facilitating Agent Messaging on PDAs. MATA 2002: 259-268
1EEMikko Laukkanen, Sasu Tarkoma, Jani Leinonen: FIPA-OS Agent Platform for Small-Footprint Devices. ATAL 2001: 447-460

Coauthor Index

1Bharat Bhushan [24]
2Phil Buckle [3]
3K. Haribabu [34]
4Jani Heikkinen [20] [28]
5Chittaranjan Hota [34]
6Jaakko Kangasharju [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [21] [22] [30]
7Ernö Kovacs [24] [25]
8Herma Van Kranenburg [24]
9Eemil Lagerspetz [26]
10Mikko Laukkanen [1] [2] [4] [8]
11Jani Leinonen [1]
12Tancred Lindholm [9] [11] [13] [16] [19] [22] [26] [30]
13Tommi Mikkonen [28]
14Klaus Moessner [25]
15Tom Moore [3]
16Risto Pitkänen [28]
17Mikko Pohja [20]
18Stefan Poslad [3]
19Erwin Postmann [24]
20Christian Prehofer [25]
21Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen [5] [7]
22Niklas Raatikainen [31]
23Dayakar Reddy [34]
24Steve Robertshaw [3]
25Jussi Saarinen [28]
26Petri Savolainen [31]
27Robert Seidl [24]
28Alan Treadway [3]
29Antti Ylä-Jääski [34]
30Anna V. Zhdanova [24] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)