
Klaus Moessner

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15EENadeem Akhtar, Klaus Moessner: Capacity of grid-oriented wireless mesh networks. COMSWARE 2008: 631-636
14EENing Li, Abdelhak Attou, Suparna De, Klaus Moessner: Device and service descriptions for ontology-based ubiquitous multimedia services. MoMM 2008: 370-375
13EENadeem Akhtar, Klaus Moessner: On the nominal capacity of multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks. Computer Communications 31(8): 1475-1483 (2008)
12EEMichael Georgiades, Klaus Moessner, Tasos Dagiuklas: On the enhancement of mobility and multimedia communications in heterogeneous RANs. IJIPT 3(1): 22-34 (2008)
11EEAbdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Klaus Moessner, K. Selçuk Candan, Ben Liang, Jiangchuan Liu: ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET). MONET 13(6): 543-546 (2008)
10EESrihathai Prammanee, Klaus Moessner: Mobile Multimodality: A Theoretical Approach to Facilitate Virtual Device Environments. MONET 13(6): 569-582 (2008)
9EESuparna De, Klaus Moessner: Device and service descriptions in Personal Distributed Environments. ICDIM 2007: 695-700
8EESasu Tarkoma, Christian Prehofer, Anna V. Zhdanova, Klaus Moessner, Ernö Kovacs: SPICE: Evolving IMS to Next Generation Service Platforms. SAINT Workshops 2007: 6
7EEAlexander Gluhak, Masugi Inoue, Klaus Moessner, Rahim Tafazolli: Signaling Channel for Coordinated Multicast Service Delivery in Next Generation Wireless Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(7): 1780-1790 (2007)
6EEKlaus Moessner, Jijun Luo, Eiman Mohyeldin, David Grandblaise, Clemens Kloeck, Ihan Martoyo, Oriol Sallent, Panagiotis Demestichas, George Dimitrakopoulos, Kostas Tsagkaris, Nikolas Olaziregi: Functional Architecture of End-to-End Reconfigurable Systems. VTC Spring 2006: 196-200
5EESrihathai Prammanee, Klaus Moessner, Rahim Tafazolli: Discovering modalities for adaptive multimodal interfaces. Interactions 13(3): 66-70 (2006)
4EEGeorge Dimitrakopoulos, Klaus Moessner, Clemens Kloeck, David Grandblaise, Sophie Gault, Oriol Sallent, Kostas Tsagkaris, Panagiotis Demestichas: Adaptive Resource Management Platform for Reconfigurable Networks. MONET 11(6): 799-811 (2006)
3EEVirgilio Rodriguez, Klaus Moessner, Rahim Tafazolli: Market Driven Dynamic Spectrum Allocation over Space and Time among Radio-Access Networks: DVB-T and B3G CDMA with Heterogeneous Terminals. MONET 11(6): 847-860 (2006)
2EENadeem Akhtar, Klaus Moessner, Ralf Kernchen: Context Dissemination for Autonomic Communication Systems. WAC 2005: 237-242
1EEKlaus Moessner, Didier Bourse, Dieter Greifendorf, Joerg Stammen: Software radio and reconfiguration management. Computer Communications 26(1): 26-35 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Nadeem Akhtar [2] [13] [15]
2Abdelhak Attou [14]
3Didier Bourse [1]
4K. Selçuk Candan [11]
5Tasos Dagiuklas [12]
6Suparna De [9] [14]
7Panagiotis Demestichas [4] [6]
8George Dimitrakopoulos [4] [6]
9Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik [11]
10Sophie Gault [4]
11Michael Georgiades [12]
12Alexander Gluhak [7]
13David Grandblaise [4] [6]
14Dieter Greifendorf [1]
15Masugi Inoue [7]
16Ralf Kernchen [2]
17Clemens Kloeck [4] [6]
18Ernö Kovacs [8]
19Ning Li [14]
20Ben Liang [11]
21Jiangchuan Liu [11]
22Jijun Luo [6]
23Ihan Martoyo [6]
24Eiman Mohyeldin [6]
25Nikolas Olaziregi [6]
26Srihathai Prammanee [5] [10]
27Christian Prehofer [8]
28Virgilio Rodriguez [3]
29Oriol Sallent [4] [6]
30Joerg Stammen [1]
31Rahim Tafazolli [3] [5] [7]
32Sasu Tarkoma [8]
33Kostas Tsagkaris [4] [6]
34Anna V. Zhdanova [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)