
Alexander O. Tarakanov

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13EEAlexander O. Tarakanov, Giuseppe Nicosia: Foundations of Immunocomputing. FOCI 2007: 503-508
12EEAlexander O. Tarakanov, Larisa B. Goncharova, Oleg A. Tarakanov: A Cytokine Formal Immune Network. ECAL 2005: 510-519
11EELarisa B. Goncharova, Yannick Jacques, Carlos Martín-Vide, Alexander O. Tarakanov, Jonathan Timmis: Biomolecular Immune-Computer: Theoretical Basis and Experimental Simulator. ICARIS 2005: 72-85
10EEAlexander O. Tarakanov, Sergei V. Kvachev, Alexander V. Sukhorukov: A Formal Immune Network and Its Implementation for On-line Intrusion Detection. MMM-ACNS 2005: 394-405
9EEAlexander O. Tarakanov, Yuri A. Tarakanov: A Comparison of Immune and Neural Computing for Two Real-Life Tasks of Pattern Recognition. ICARIS 2004: 236-249
8EEAlexander O. Tarakanov: Spatial Formal Immune Network. GECCO 2003: 248-249
7EELarisa B. Goncharova, Yuri Melnikov, Alexander O. Tarakanov: Biomolecular Immunocomputing. ICARIS 2003: 102-110
6EENikolaos D. Atreas, Costas G. Karanikas, Alexander O. Tarakanov: Signal Processing by an Immune Type Tree Transform. ICARIS 2003: 111-119
5EEYuri Melnikov, Alexander O. Tarakanov: Immunocomputing Model of Intrusion Detection. MMM-ACNS 2003: 453-456
4EEAlexander O. Tarakanov, Dipankar Dasgupta: An Immunochip Architecture and Its Emulation. Evolvable Hardware 2002: 261-265
3EEAlexander O. Tarakanov: Information Security with Formal Immune Networks. MMM-ACNS 2001: 115-126
2EEVictor A. Skormin, José G. Delgado-Frias, Dennis L. McGee, Joseph Giordano, Leonard J. Popyack, Vladimir I. Gorodetski, Alexander O. Tarakanov: BASIS: A Biological Approach to System Information Security. MMM-ACNS 2001: 127-142
1 Alexander O. Tarakanov: Formal Peptide as a Basic Agent of Immune Networks: from Natural Prototype to Mathematical Theory and Applications. CEEMAS 1999

Coauthor Index

1Nikolaos D. Atreas [6]
2Dipankar Dasgupta [4]
3José G. Delgado-Frias [2]
4Joseph Giordano [2]
5Larisa B. Goncharova [7] [11] [12]
6Vladimir I. Gorodetski [2]
7Yannick Jacques [11]
8Costas G. Karanikas [6]
9Sergei V. Kvachev [10]
10Carlos Martín-Vide [11]
11Dennis L. McGee [2]
12Yuri Melnikov [5] [7]
13Giuseppe Nicosia [13]
14Leonard J. Popyack [2]
15Victor A. Skormin [2]
16Alexander V. Sukhorukov [10]
17Oleg A. Tarakanov [12]
18Yuri A. Tarakanov [9]
19Jonathan Timmis (Jon Timmis) [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)