
Larisa B. Goncharova

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3EEAlexander O. Tarakanov, Larisa B. Goncharova, Oleg A. Tarakanov: A Cytokine Formal Immune Network. ECAL 2005: 510-519
2EELarisa B. Goncharova, Yannick Jacques, Carlos Martín-Vide, Alexander O. Tarakanov, Jonathan Timmis: Biomolecular Immune-Computer: Theoretical Basis and Experimental Simulator. ICARIS 2005: 72-85
1EELarisa B. Goncharova, Yuri Melnikov, Alexander O. Tarakanov: Biomolecular Immunocomputing. ICARIS 2003: 102-110

Coauthor Index

1Yannick Jacques [2]
2Carlos Martín-Vide [2]
3Yuri Melnikov [1]
4Alexander O. Tarakanov [1] [2] [3]
5Oleg A. Tarakanov [3]
6Jonathan Timmis (Jon Timmis) [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)