
Vladislav Tadic

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5EEVladislav Tadic: Asymptotic analysis of temporal-difference learning algorithms with constant step-sizes. Machine Learning 63(2): 107-133 (2006)
4EESumetpal Singh, Vladislav Tadic, Arnaud Doucet: A policy gradient method for SMDPs with application to call admission control. ICARCV 2002: 1268-1274
3 Vladislav Tadic: On the Convergence of Temporal-Difference Learning with Linear Function Approximation. Machine Learning 42(3): 241-267 (2001)
2EEVladislav Tadic: Convergence Analysis of Temporal-Difference Learning Algorithms with Linear Function Approximation. COLT 1999: 193-202
1EEVladislav Tadic: On the Asymptotic Behaviour of a Constant Stepsize Temporal-Difference Learning Algorithm. EuroCOLT 1999: 126-137

Coauthor Index

1Arnaud Doucet [4]
2Sumetpal Singh [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)