
Paul A. Swatman

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31EEVivian Nguyen, Paul A. Swatman: ICT-Mediated Synchronous Communication in Creative Teamwork: From Cognitive Dust to Semantics. HCI (4) 2007: 692-701
30EEElitsa Shumarova, Paul A. Swatman: eValue and Value-driven User Responses to Information Technology. Electronic Markets 17(1): 5-19 (2007)
29EETerence Blackburn, Paul A. Swatman, Rudi Vernik: Cognitive Dust: Linking CSCW Theories to Creative Design Processes. CSCWD 2006: 153-158
28EETerence Blackburn, Paul A. Swatman, Rudi Vernik: Cognitive Dust: A Framework That Builds from CSCW Concepts to Provide Situated Support for Small Group Work. CSCWD (Selected Papers) 2006: 1-12
27EEW. David Wilde, Paul A. Swatman: Federal Government Policy and Community Objectives in Regional Telecommunications: A SISP-Based Study of Ballarat. JTAER 1(1): 16-31 (2006)
26EEGrace Ng-Kruelle, Paul A. Swatman, J. Felix Hampe, Douglas S. Rebne: Biometrics and e-Identity (e-Passport) in the European Union: End-user perspectives on the adoption of a controversial innovation. JTAER 1(2): 12-35 (2006)
25EEGrace Ng-Kruelle, Douglas S. Rebne, Paul A. Swatman, J. Felix Hampe: Interfaces in adoption of an evolving innovation: an activity-theoretical perspective and the price of convenience. ECIS 2003
24EELeMai Nguyen, Paul A. Swatman: Managing the requirements engineering process. Requir. Eng. 8(1): 55-68 (2003)
23EEMerete R. Crofts, Paul A. Swatman: Investigating Information Systems Analysts' Possession of Tacit Organisational Knowledge. HICSS 2002: 267
22EEChris Matthews, Paul A. Swatman: Fuzzy concepts and formal methods: some illustrative examples. APSEC 2000: 230-
21EEPaul A. Swatman, Tanya Castleman, Robert D. Galliers, Rudy Hirschheim, Helmut Krcmar, Sue Newell: Panel: Rigour vs. Relevance in IS Research: Perspectives from IS and the Reference Disciplines. ECIS 2000
20EEJenny M. Carroll, Paul A. Swatman: Structured-Case: A Methodological Framework for Building Theory in Information Systems Research. ECIS 2000
19EELeMai Nguyen, Paul A. Swatman: Complementary Use of ad hoc and post hoc Design Rationale for Creating and Organizing Process Knowledge. HICSS 2000
18EELeMai Nguyen, Jenny M. Carroll, Paul A. Swatman: Supporting and Monitoring the Creativity of IS Personnel during the Requirements Engineering Process. HICSS 2000
17EELeMai Nguyen, Paul A. Swatman: Essential and Incidental Complexity in Requirements Models. ICRE 2000: 130-139
16EEChris Matthews, Paul A. Swatman: Fuzzy Concepts and Formal Methods: A Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for Z. ZB 2000: 491-510
15EELinda Dawson, Paul A. Swatman: The use of object-oriented models in requirements engineering: a field study. ICIS 1999: 260-273
14EELeMai Nguyen, Paul A. Swatman, Graeme G. Shanks: Using Design Explanation within the Formal Object-Oriented Method. Requir. Eng. 4(3): 152-164 (1999)
13EEDanielle C. Fowler, Paul A. Swatman: Building Information Systems Development Methods: Synthesizing from a Basis in both Theory and Practice. Australian Software Engineering Conference 1998: 110-117
12EELeMai Nguyen, Paul A. Swatman, Graeme G. Shanks: Supplementing Process-Oriented with Structure-Oriented Design Explanation within Formal Object Oriented Method. Australian Software Engineering Conference 1998: 118-
11EEPaul A. Swatman: OPEN-MeNtOR: a third generation OO methodology-advanced tasks and techniques. APSEC 1997: 536-537
10 Danielle C. Fowler, Paul A. Swatman: Presenting Object Oriented Formal Requirements Specifications: Insights from an Action Research Study. IWFM 1997
9 Brian Henderson-Sellers, Ian M. Graham, Paul A. Swatman, Russel L. Winder, Trygve Reenskaug: Using Object-Oriented Techniques to Model the Lifecycle for OO Software Development. OOIS 1996: 211-
8EEEvalyn N. Wafula, Paul A. Swatman: FOOM: a diagrammatic illustration of Object-Z specifications. Object Oriented Systems 3: 215-242 (1996)
7EEPaul A. Swatman, Paula M. C. Swatman: EDI World Institute Research Agora. Electronic Markets 4(1): (1994)
6 Paul A. Swatman: Using Formal Specification in the Acquisition of Information Systems: Educating Information Systems Professionals. Z User Workshop 1992: 205-239
5EEPaula M. C. Swatman, Paul A. Swatman: EDI System Integration: A Definition and Literature Survey. Inf. Soc. 8(3): (1992)
4 Paula M. C. Swatman, Paul A. Swatman: Integrating Ed1 Into The Organization's Systems: A Model Of The Stages Of Integration. ICIS 1991: 141-152
3 Paul A. Swatman, Paula M. C. Swatman: Is the Information Systems Community Wrong to Ignore Formal Specification Methods? Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact 1991: 173-194
2 Paul A. Swatman, Danielle C. Fowler, C. Y. Michael Gan: Extending the Useful Application Domain for Formal Methods. Z User Workshop 1991: 125-144
1 Paul A. Swatman, Paula M. C. Swatman, James E. Everett: Stages of Growth of an Innovative Software House: An Additional Criterion for Software Package Selection. Australian Computer Journal 22(3): 89-98 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Terence Blackburn [28] [29]
2Jenny M. Carroll [18] [20]
3Tanya Castleman [21]
4Merete R. Crofts [23]
5Linda Dawson [15]
6James E. Everett [1]
7Danielle C. Fowler [2] [10] [13]
8Robert D. Galliers [21]
9C. Y. Michael Gan [2]
10Ian M. Graham [9]
11J. Felix Hampe [25] [26]
12Brian Henderson-Sellers [9]
13Rudy Hirschheim [21]
14Helmut Krcmar [21]
15Chris Matthews [16] [22]
16Sue Newell [21]
17Grace Ng-Kruelle [25] [26]
18LeMai Nguyen [12] [14] [17] [18] [19] [24]
19Vivian Nguyen [31]
20Douglas S. Rebne [25] [26]
21Trygve Reenskaug [9]
22Graeme G. Shanks [12] [14]
23Elitsa Shumarova [30]
24Paula M. C. Swatman [1] [3] [4] [5] [7]
25Rudi Vernik [28] [29]
26Evalyn N. Wafula [8]
27W. David Wilde [27]
28Russel L. Winder [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)