
Tanya Castleman

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11EEYvette Blount, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatman: Employee development strategies in the B2C banking environment: Two Australian case studies. ECIS 2004
10EELinda Wilkins, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatman: Electronic markets and service delivery: governance and related competencies in virtual environments. ECIS 2003
9EEJeff Chamberlain, Tanya Castleman: Transacting with citizens: Australian government policy strategy and implementation of online tax lodgement. ECIS 2003
8EECarla Wilkin, Tanya Castleman: Development of an Instrument to Evaluate the Quality of Delivered Information Systems. HICSS 2003: 244
7 Jeff Chamberlain, Tanya Castleman: E-Government Business Strategies and Services to Citizens. E-Business: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice 2002: 309-325
6 Yvette Blount, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatman: E-commerce and Human Resource Management: Theoretical Approaches and Issues for the Banking Industry. E-Business: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice 2002: 485-501
5 Linda Wilkins, Paula M. C. Swatman, Tanya Castleman: More than just a transaction: Conceptualising industry-based networks for virtual trading communities. I3E 2002: 539-552
4EEDarryl Coulthard, Tanya Castleman: Electronic Procurement in Government: More Complicated than Just Good Business. ECIS 2001
3EELinda Wilkins, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatman: Organizational Factors in the Diffusion of an Industry Standard: Implementing an Online Documentation System for Australian Exporters. Electronic Markets 11(4): (2001)
2EEPaul A. Swatman, Tanya Castleman, Robert D. Galliers, Rudy Hirschheim, Helmut Krcmar, Sue Newell: Panel: Rigour vs. Relevance in IS Research: Perspectives from IS and the Reference Disciplines. ECIS 2000
1EELinda Wilkins, Paula M. C. Swatman, Tanya Castleman: What's in a Name? Conceptual Issues in Defining Electronic Commerce. ECIS 2000

Coauthor Index

1Yvette Blount [6] [11]
2Jeff Chamberlain [7] [9]
3Darryl Coulthard [4]
4Robert D. Galliers [2]
5Rudy Hirschheim [2]
6Helmut Krcmar [2]
7Sue Newell [2]
8Paul A. Swatman [2]
9Paula M. C. Swatman [1] [3] [5] [6] [10] [11]
10Carla Wilkin [8]
11Linda Wilkins [1] [3] [5] [10]

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