
Chris Matthews

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10EEChris Matthews, Esther Scheurmann: Ensembles of Classifiers in Arrears Management. Soft Computing Applications in Business 2008: 1-18
9EEChris Matthews, Rob Clark, Leigh Callinan: Spectral Discrimination of Southern Victorian Salt Tolerant Vegetation. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2006: 389-403
8EEChris Matthews, Yvonne Coady, Jonathan Appavoo: Portability events: a programming model for scalable system infrastructures. PLOS 2006: 11
7EEEsther Scheurmann, Chris Matthews: Neural Network Classifers in Arrears Management. ICANN (2) 2005: 325-330
6EEChris Matthews: A formal specification for a fuzzy expert system. Information & Software Technology 45(7): 419-429 (2003)
5EEChris Matthews, Paul A. Swatman: Fuzzy concepts and formal methods: some illustrative examples. APSEC 2000: 230-
4EEChris Matthews, Paul A. Swatman: Fuzzy Concepts and Formal Methods: A Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for Z. ZB 2000: 491-510
3EEIlona Jagielska, Chris Matthews, Tim Whitfort: An investigation into the application of neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and rough sets to automated knowledge acquisition for classification problems. Neurocomputing 24(1-3): 37-54 (1999)
2EETim Whitfort, Chris Matthews, Belinda Choi, John McCullagh: Evolutionary and Heuristic Approaches for the Selection of Neural Network Architectures and Parameters1. JACIII 2(6): 214-220 (1998)
1EETim Whitfort, Chris Matthews, Ilona Jagielska: Automated knowledge acquisition for a fuzzy classification problem. ANNES 1995: 227-230

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Appavoo [8]
2Leigh Callinan [9]
3Belinda Choi [2]
4Rob Clark [9]
5Yvonne Coady [8]
6Ilona Jagielska [1] [3]
7John McCullagh [2]
8Esther Scheurmann [7] [10]
9Paul A. Swatman [4] [5]
10Tim Whitfort [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)