
Anne Turner

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3EEDebra Revere, Anne Turner, Ann Madhavan, Neil Rambo, Paul F. Bugni, AnnMarie Kimball, Sherrilynne S. Fuller: Understanding the information needs of public health practitioners: A literature review to inform design of an interactive digital knowledge management system. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(4): 410-421 (2007)
2EEAnne Turner, Elizabeth D. Liddy, Jana Bradley: Breathing life into digital archives: use of natural language processing to revitalize the grey literature of public health. JCDL 2002: 411
1EEElizabeth D. Liddy, Stuart A. Sutton, Woojin Paik, Eileen Allen, Sarah Harwell, Michelle Monsour, Anne Turner, Jennifer Liddy: Breaking the metadata generation bottleneck: preliminary findings. JCDL 2001: 464

Coauthor Index

1Eileen Allen [1]
2Jana Bradley [2]
3Paul F. Bugni [3]
4Sherrilynne S. Fuller [3]
5Sarah Harwell [1]
6AnnMarie Kimball [3]
7Elizabeth D. Liddy (Liz Liddy) [1] [2]
8Jennifer Liddy [1]
9Ann Madhavan [3]
10Michelle Monsour [1]
11Woojin Paik [1]
12Neil Rambo [3]
13Debra Revere [3]
14Stuart A. Sutton [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)