
Melanie A. Sutton

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6EEMelanie A. Sutton, Lori Deneke, John Eme, Wayne Bennett, Frank Wray: Development and Assessment of Bioinformatics Tools for Species Conservation and Habitat Management. CSB 2003: 654-655
5EES. Sentelle, C. Sentelle, Melanie A. Sutton: Multiresolution-Based Segmentation of Calcifications for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer. Real-Time Imaging 8(3): 237-252 (2002)
4EEMelanie A. Sutton, Louise Stark, Ken Hughes: Exploiting Context in Function-Based Reasoning. Sensor Based Intelligent Robots 2000: 357-374
3EEMelanie A. Sutton, Louise Stark, Kevin W. Bowyer: Function from visual analysis and physical interaction: a methodology for recognition of generic classes of objects. Image Vision Comput. 16(11): 745-763 (1998)
2 Melanie A. Sutton, Louise Stark, Kevin W. Bowyer: Representing and Reasoning About Object Functionality: Towards an Integrated Approach. Intelligent Robots 1996: 180-197
1EEMelanie A. Sutton, Louise Stark, Kevin W. Bowyer: GRUFF-3: Generalizing the domain of a function-based recognition system. Pattern Recognition 27(12): 1743-1766 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Wayne Bennett [6]
2Kevin W. Bowyer [1] [2] [3]
3Lori Deneke [6]
4John Eme [6]
5Ken Hughes [4]
6C. Sentelle [5]
7S. Sentelle [5]
8Louise Stark [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Frank Wray [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)