
Tatiana Surazhsky

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8EEVitaly Surazhsky, Tatiana Surazhsky, Danil Kirsanov, Steven J. Gortler, Hugues Hoppe: Fast exact and approximate geodesics on meshes. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 553-560 (2005)
7 Tatiana Surazhsky, Evgeni Magid, Octavian Soldea, Gershon Elber, Ehud Rivlin: A comparison of Gaussian and mean curvatures estimation methods on triangular meshes. ICRA 2003: 1021-1026
6 Tatiana Surazhsky, Gershon Elber: Artistic Surface Rendering Using Layout of Text. Comput. Graph. Forum 21(2): 99-110 (2002)
5 Tatiana Surazhsky, Gershon Elber: Metamorphosis of Planar Parametric Curves Via Curvature Interpolation. International Journal of Shape Modeling 8(2): 201-216 (2002)
4EETatiana Surazhsky, Vitaly Surazhsky, Gill Barequet, Ayellet Tal: Blending polygonal shapes with different topologies. Computers & Graphics 25(1): 29-39 (2001)
3EETatiana Surazhsky, Gershon Elber: Matching free-form surfaces. Computers & Graphics 25(1): 3-12 (2001)
2 Tatiana Surazhsky, Vitaly Surazhsky, Gill Barequet, Ayellet Tal: Smooth Blending of Polygonal Slices with Different Topologies. EWCG 2000: 40-44
1EETatiana Surazhsky, Gershon Elber: Arbitrary Precise Orientation Specification for Layout of Text. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 80-86

Coauthor Index

1Gill Barequet [2] [4]
2Gershon Elber [1] [3] [5] [6] [7]
3Steven J. Gortler [8]
4Hugues Hoppe [8]
5Danil Kirsanov [8]
6Evgeni Magid [7]
7Ehud Rivlin [7]
8Octavian Soldea [7]
9Vitaly Surazhsky [2] [4] [8]
10Ayellet Tal [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)