
Pramuditha Suraweera

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11 Brent Martin, Antonija Mitrovic, Pramuditha Suraweera: ITS Domain Modelling with Ontology. J. UCS 14(17): 2758-2776 (2008)
10 Pramuditha Suraweera, Antonija Mitrovic, Brent Martin: Constraint Authoring System: An Empirical Evaluation. AIED 2007: 451-458
9 Antonija Mitrovic, Stellan Ohlsson, Brent Martin, Pramuditha Suraweera: Authoring Constraint-Based Tutoring Systems. AIED 2007: 725
8 Brent Martin, Antonija Mitrovic, Pramuditha Suraweera: Interactive Event: Ontological Domain Modeling of Constraint-Based Its. AIED 2007: 733
7EEAntonija Mitrovic, Brent Martin, Pramuditha Suraweera: Intelligent Tutors for All: The Constraint-Based Approach. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(4): 38-45 (2007)
6EEAntonija Mitrovic, Pramuditha Suraweera, Brent Martin, Konstantin Zakharov, Nancy Milik, Jay Holland: Authoring Constraint-Based Tutors in ASPIRE. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 41-50
5 Pramuditha Suraweera, Antonija Mitrovic, Brent Martin: A Knowledge Acquisition System for Constraint-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems. AIED 2005: 638-645
4EEPramuditha Suraweera, Antonija Mitrovic, Brent Martin: The Role of Domain Ontology in Knowledge Acquisition for ITSs. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 207-216
3EEPramuditha Suraweera, Antonija Mitrovic: KERMIT: A Constraint-Based Tutor for Database Modeling. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 377-387
2EEAntonija Mitrovic, Michael Mayo, Pramuditha Suraweera, Brent Martin: Constraint-Based Tutors: A Success Story. IEA/AIE 2001: 931-940
1EEAntonija Mitrovic, Pramuditha Suraweera: Evaluating an Animated Pedagogical Agent. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 73-82

Coauthor Index

1Jay Holland [6]
2Brent Martin [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Michael Mayo [2]
4Nancy Milik [6]
5Antonija Mitrovic [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Stellan Ohlsson [9]
7Konstantin Zakharov [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)