
Eric Stotzer

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4EETodd T. Hahn, Eric Stotzer, Dineel Sule, Mike Asal: Compilation Strategies for Reducing Code Size on a VLIW Processor with Variable Length Instructions. HiPEAC 2008: 147-160
3EEGayathri Krishnamurthy, Elana D. Granston, Eric Stotzer: Affinity-based cluster assignment for unrolled loops. ICS 2002: 107-116
2 Elana D. Granston, Eric Stotzer, Joe Zbiciak: Software Pipelining Irregular Loops on the TMS320C6000 VLIW DSP Architecture. LCTES/OM 2001: 138-144
1EEEric Stotzer, Ernst L. Leiss: Modulo Scheduling for the TMS320C6x VLIW DSP Architecture. Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems 1999: 28-34

Coauthor Index

1Mike Asal [4]
2Elana D. Granston [2] [3]
3Todd T. Hahn [4]
4Gayathri Krishnamurthy [3]
5Ernst L. Leiss [1]
6Dineel Sule [4]
7Joe Zbiciak [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)