
Wolfgang Stolzmann

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17 Tim Kovacs, Xavier Llorà, Keiki Takadama, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Learning Classifier Systems, International Workshops, IWLCS 2003-2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
16 Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Learning Classifier Systems, 5th International Workshop, IWLCS 2002, Granada, Spain, September 7-8, 2002, Revised Papers Springer 2003
15 Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Editorial Introduction - Learning Classifier Systems. Evolutionary Computation 11(3): (2003)
14 Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Advances in Learning Classifier Systems, 4th International Workshop, IWLCS 2001, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 7-8, 2001, Revised Papers Springer 2002
13EEJohn H. Holmes, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Learning classifier systems: New models, successful applications. Inf. Process. Lett. 82(1): 23-30 (2002)
12 Dietmar Neumerkel, Patrick Rammelt, Dirk Reichardt, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Axel Vogler: Fahrermodelle - Ein Schlüssel für unfallfreies Fahren?. KI 16(3): 34-36 (2002)
11EELarry Bull, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann: Learning Classifier Systems. Soft Comput. 6(3-4): 143 (2002)
10EEPierre Gérard, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Olivier Sigaud: YACS: a new learning classifier system using anticipation. Soft Comput. 6(3-4): 216-228 (2002)
9 Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Advances in Learning Classifier Systems, Third International Workshop, IWLCS 2000, Paris, France, September 15-16, 2000, Revised Papers Springer 2001
8EEMartin Butz, Wolfgang Stolzmann: An Algorithmic Description of ACS2. IWLCS 2001: 211-230
7 Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Learning Classifier Systems, From Foundations to Applications Springer 2000
6 Martin Butz, David E. Goldberg, Wolfgang Stolzmann: Introducing a Genetic Generalization Pressure to the Anticipatory Classifier System - Part 1: Theoretical approach. GECCO 2000: 42-49
5EEMartin Butz, David E. Goldberg, Wolfgang Stolzmann: Probability-Enhanced Predictions in the Anticipatory Classifier System. IWLCS 2000: 37-51
4 Martin Butz, David E. Goldberg, Wolfgang Stolzmann: Investigating Generalization in the Anticipatory Classifier System. PPSN 2000: 735-744
3EEWolfgang Stolzmann: An Introduction to Anticipatory Classifier Systems. Learning Classifier Systems 1999: 175-194
2EEJohn H. Holland, Lashon B. Booker, Marco Colombetti, Marco Dorigo, David E. Goldberg, Stephanie Forrest, Rick L. Riolo, Robert E. Smith, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: What Is a Learning Classifier System? Learning Classifier Systems 1999: 3-32
1EEWolfgang Stolzmann, Martin Butz: Latent Learning and Action Planning in Robots with Anticipatory Classifier Systems. Learning Classifier Systems 1999: 301-320

Coauthor Index

1Lashon B. Booker [2]
2Larry Bull [11]
3Martin V. Butz (Martin Butz) [1] [4] [5] [6] [8]
4Marco Colombetti [2]
5Marco Dorigo [2]
6Stephanie Forrest [2]
7Pierre Gérard [10]
8David E. Goldberg [2] [4] [5] [6]
9John H. Holland [2]
10John H. Holmes [13]
11Tim Kovacs [17]
12Pier Luca Lanzi [2] [7] [9] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
13Xavier Llorà [17]
14Dietmar Neumerkel [12]
15Patrick Rammelt [12]
16Dirk Reichardt [12]
17Rick L. Riolo [2]
18Olivier Sigaud [10]
19Robert Elliott Smith (Robert E. Smith) [2]
20Keiki Takadama [17]
21Axel Vogler [12]
22Stewart W. Wilson [2] [7] [9] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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