
John H. Holmes

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18EELarry Bull, Ester Bernadó-Mansilla, John H. Holmes: Learning Classifier Systems in Data Mining Springer 2008
17EELarry Bull, Ester Bernadó-Mansilla, John H. Holmes: Learning Classifier Systems in Data Mining: An Introduction. Learning Classifier Systems in Data Mining 2008: 1-15
16EEJohn H. Holmes, Niels Peek: Intelligent data analysis in biomedicine. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(6): 605-608 (2007)
15EEBlaz Zupan, John H. Holmes, Riccardo Bellazzi: Knowledge-based data analysis and interpretation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 37(3): 163-165 (2006)
14EEJohn H. Holmes, Jennifer A. Sager: Rule Discovery in Epidemiologic Surveillance Data Using EpiXCS: An Evolutionary Computation Approach. AIME 2005: 444-452
13EEJohn H. Holmes: Detection of sentinel predictor-class associations with XCS: a sensitivity analysis. GECCO Workshops 2005: 67-71
12EEJohn H. Holmes, Jennifer A. Sager, Warren B. Bilker: Three Methods for Covering Missing Input Data in XCS. IWLCS 2005: 181-192
11EEJohn H. Holmes: Detection of Sentinel Predictor-Class Associations with XCS: A Sensitivity Analysis. IWLCS 2005: 270-281
10EEJohn H. Holmes, Jennifer A. Sager: The EpiXCS Workbench: A Tool for Experimentation and Visualization. IWLCS 2005: 333-344
9 Lewis Hassell, John H. Holmes: Modeling the Workflow of Prescription Writing. SAC 2003: 235-239
8EEJohn H. Holmes, Warren B. Bilker: The Effect of Missing Data on Learning Classifier System Learning Rate and Classification Performance. IWLCS 2002: 46-60
7EEJohn H. Holmes, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson: Learning classifier systems: New models, successful applications. Inf. Process. Lett. 82(1): 23-30 (2002)
6EEJohn H. Holmes: A Representation for Accuracy-Based Assessment of Classifier System Prediction Performance. IWLCS 2001: 43-56
5EEJohn H. Holmes: Applying a Learning Classifier System to Mining Explanatory and Predictive Models from a Large Clinical Database. IWLCS 2000: 103-113
4 John H. Holmes, Dennis R. Durbin, Flaura K. Winston: A New Bootstrapping Method to Improve Classification Performance in Learning Classifier Systems. PPSN 2000: 745-754
3 John H. Holmes, Dennis R. Durbin, Flaura K. Winston: The learning classifier system: an evolutionary computation approach to knowledge discovery in epidemiologic surveillance. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 19(1): 53-74 (2000)
2EEJohn H. Holmes: Learning Classifier Systems Applied to Knowledge Discovery in Clinical Research Databases. Learning Classifier Systems 1999: 243-262
1 John H. Holmes: Discovering Risk of Disease with a Learning Classifier System. ICGA 1997: 426-433

Coauthor Index

1Riccardo Bellazzi [15]
2Ester Bernadó-Mansilla (Ester Bernadó i Mansilla) [17] [18]
3Warren B. Bilker [8] [12]
4Larry Bull [17] [18]
5Dennis R. Durbin [3] [4]
6Lewis Hassell [9]
7Pier Luca Lanzi [7]
8Niels Peek [16]
9Jennifer A. Sager [10] [12] [14]
10Wolfgang Stolzmann [7]
11Stewart W. Wilson [7]
12Flaura K. Winston [3] [4]
13Blaz Zupan [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)