
Andrew J. Stoddart

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15EEGeorge Papagiannakis, Sébastien Schertenleib, Brian O'Kennedy, Marlene Arevalo-Poizat, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Andrew J. Stoddart, Daniel Thalmann: Mixing virtual and real scenes in the site of ancient Pompeii. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 16(1): 11-24 (2005)
14EEAndrew J. Stoddart: Computer Vision in the Post-Production Industry. BMVC 2002
13EEAndrew J. Stoddart, P. Mrazek, D. Ewins, D. Hynd: A Computational Method for Hip Joint Centre Location from Optical Markers. BMVC 1999
12EES. J. Cunnington, Andrew J. Stoddart: N-View Point Set Registration: A Comparison. BMVC 1999
11EES. J. Cunnington, Andrew J. Stoddart: Self-Calibrating Surface Reconstruction for the ModelMaker. BMVC 1998
10EEAndrew J. Stoddart, M. Baker: Reconstruction of Smooth Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology Adaptive Splines. ECCV (2) 1998: 241-254
9EEAdrian Hilton, Andrew J. Stoddart, John Illingworth, Terry Windeatt: Implicit Surface-Based Geometric Fusion. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 69(3): 273-291 (1998)
8EEAndrew J. Stoddart, S. Lemke, Adrian Hilton, T. Renn: Estimating pose uncertainty for surface registration. Image Vision Comput. 16(2): 111-120 (1998)
7EER. C. Crida, Andrew J. Stoddart, John Illingworth: Using PCA to Model Shape for Process Control. 3DIM 1997: 318-325
6EEA. Saminathan, Andrew J. Stoddart, Adrian Hilton, John Illingworth: Progress in arbitrary topology deformable surfaces. BMVC 1997
5EEAndrew J. Stoddart, S. Lemke, Adrian Hilton, T. Renn: Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration. BMVC 1996
4EEAndrew J. Stoddart, Kjell Brunnström: Free-Form Surface Matching using Mean Field Theory. BMVC 1996
3 Adrian Hilton, Andrew J. Stoddart, John Illingworth, Terry Windeatt: Reliable Surface Reconstructiuon from Multiple Range Images. ECCV (1) 1996: 117-126
2 Andrew J. Stoddart, Maria Petrou, Josef Kittler: A New Algorithm for Probabilistic Relaxation Based on the Baum Eagon Theorem. CAIP 1995: 674-679
1EEAndrew J. Stoddart, John Illingworth, Terry Windeatt: Optimal parameter selection for derivative estimation from range images. Image Vision Comput. 13(8): 629-635 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Marlene Arevalo-Poizat [15]
2M. Baker [10]
3Kjell Brunnström [4]
4R. C. Crida [7]
5S. J. Cunnington [11] [12]
6D. Ewins [13]
7Adrian Hilton [3] [5] [6] [8] [9]
8D. Hynd [13]
9John Illingworth [1] [3] [6] [7] [9]
10Josef Kittler [2]
11S. Lemke [5] [8]
12Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann [15]
13P. Mrazek [13]
14Brian O'Kennedy [15]
15George Papagiannakis [15]
16Maria Petrou [2]
17T. Renn [5] [8]
18A. Saminathan [6]
19Sébastien Schertenleib [15]
20Daniel Thalmann [15]
21Terry Windeatt [1] [3] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)