
Michael Stiber

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9EELeonel Gómez, Ruben Budelli, Rafael Saa, Michael Stiber, José Pedro Segundo: Pooled spike trains of correlated presynaptic inputs as realizations of cluster point processes. Biological Cybernetics 92(2): 110-127 (2005)
8EEMichael Stiber: Spike timing precision and neural error correction: local behavior CoRR abs/q-bio/0501021: (2005)
7EEMichael Stiber: Spike Timing Precision and Neural Error Correction: Local Behavior. Neural Computation 17(7): 1577-1601 (2005)
6EEDennis G. Hrebec, Michael Stiber: A survey of system administrator mental models and situation awareness. SIGCPR 2001: 166-172
5EEBilin Z. Stiber, Edwin R. Lewis, Michael Stiber, Kenneth R. Henry: Auditory singularity detection by a gerbil cochlea model. Neurocomputing 32-33: 537-543 (2000)
4EEBilin Z. Stiber, Edwin R. Lewis, Michael Stiber, Kenneth R. Henry: Categorization of Gerbil auditory fiber responses. Neurocomputing 26-27: 277-283 (1999)
3 José Pedro Segundo, Ruben Budelli, Rafael Saa, Leonel Gómez, Michael Stiber: Single Neurons with Many Weak Presynaptic Terminals: Coding, Uncertainty and Information. ICONIP 1998: 23-26
2 Michael Stiber, Bosco Lau: Long-Term Potentiation and Synaptic Coding of Time-Varying Inputs. ICONIP 1998: 621-624
1EEMichael Stiber, Gwen A. Jacobs, Deborah Swanberg: LOGOS: A Computational Framework for Neuroinformatics Research SSDBM 1997: 212-222

Coauthor Index

1Ruben Budelli [3] [9]
2Leonel Gómez [3] [9]
3Kenneth R. Henry [4] [5]
4Dennis G. Hrebec [6]
5Gwen A. Jacobs [1]
6Bosco Lau [2]
7Edwin R. Lewis [4] [5]
8Rafael Saa [3] [9]
9José Pedro Segundo [3] [9]
10Bilin Z. Stiber [4] [5]
11Deborah Swanberg [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)