
Gwen A. Jacobs

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4EEG. I. Cummins, Sharon M. Crook, Alexander G. Dimitrov, T. Ganje, Gwen A. Jacobs, J. P. Miller: Structural and biophysical mechanisms underlying dynamic sensitivity of primary sensory interneurons in the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing 52-54: 45-52 (2003)
3EESharon M. Crook, John Miller, Gwen A. Jacobs: Modeling frequency encoding in the cricket cercal sensory system. Neurocomputing 44-46: 769-773 (2002)
2EEMichael Stiber, Gwen A. Jacobs, Deborah Swanberg: LOGOS: A Computational Framework for Neuroinformatics Research SSDBM 1997: 212-222
1 Gwen A. Jacobs: Analysis of Information Processing in the Nervous System Using a Database of Identified Neurons. NeuroImage 4(3): S23-S24 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Sharon M. Crook [3] [4]
2G. I. Cummins [4]
3Alexander G. Dimitrov [4]
4T. Ganje [4]
5J. P. Miller [4]
6John Miller [3]
7Michael Stiber [2]
8Deborah Swanberg [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)