
Michael Freimer

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7EEMichael Freimer, Douglas Thomas, John Tyworth: The value of setup cost reduction and process improvement for the economic production quantity model with defects. European Journal of Operational Research 173(1): 241-251 (2006)
6EEMichael B. Zamperini, Michael Freimer: A simulation analysis of the vari-metric repairable inventory optimization procedure for the U.S. Coast Guard. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 1692-1698
5EEMichael Freimer, Lee W. Schruben, Theresa M. Roeder, Charles R. Standridge, Catherine M. Harmonosky, Ingolf Ståhl: You Are Going to Teach Simulation - Now What? Tips and Strategies. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 2057-
4EELee Schruben, Theresa M. Roeder, Wai Kin Chan, Paul Hyden, Michael Freimer: Advanced event scheduling methodology: advanced event scheduling methodology. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 159-165
3EEMichael Freimer, Lee Schruben: Simulation input analysis: collecting data and estimating parameters for input distributions. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 393-399
2EEMichael Freimer, Lee Schruben: Stochastic optimization using simulation: graphical representation of IPA estimation. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 422-427
1EEMichael Freimer, Lee Schruben: Using input process indicators for dynamic decision making. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 325-329

Coauthor Index

1Wai Kin Chan [4]
2Catherine M. Harmonosky [5]
3Paul Hyden [4]
4Theresa M. Roeder [4] [5]
5Lee W. Schruben (Lee Schruben) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Ingolf Ståhl [5]
7Charles R. Standridge [5]
8Douglas Thomas [7]
9John Tyworth [7]
10Michael B. Zamperini [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)