
Penelope Sibun

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4EEPenelope Sibun, A. Lawrence Spitz: Language Determination: Natural Language Processing from Scanned Document Images. ANLP 1994: 15-21
3EEPenelope Sibun, David S. Farrar: Content Characterization Using Word Shape Tokens. COLING 1994: 686-690
2EEDouglas R. Cutting, Julian Kupiec, Jan O. Pedersen, Penelope Sibun: A Practical Part-of-Speech Tagger. ANLP 1992: 133-140
1 Penelope Sibun, Alison K. Huettner, David D. McDonald: Directing the generation of living space description. COLING 1988: 626-629

Coauthor Index

1Douglas R. Cutting [2]
2David S. Farrar [3]
3Alison K. Huettner [1]
4Julian Kupiec [2]
5David D. McDonald [1]
6Jan O. Pedersen [2]
7A. Lawrence Spitz [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)