
Eero Sormunen

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15EEPeter Ingwersen, Eero Sormunen: Tutorials at the second IIiX symposium. IIiX 2008: 163-164
14EEAnni Järvelin, Peter Wilkins, Tomasz Adamek, Eija Airio, Gareth J. F. Jones, Alan F. Smeaton, Eero Sormunen: DCU and UTA at ImageCLEFPhoto 2007. CLEF 2007: 530-537
13EEMarjo Markkula, Eero Sormunen: Video needs at the different stages of television program making process. IIiX 2006: 111-118
12EEPertti Vakkari, Eero Sormunen: The influence of relevance levels on the effectiveness of interactive information retrieval. JASIST 55(11): 963-969 (2004)
11EEEero Sormunen, Sami Pennanen: The challenge of automated tutoring in Web-based learning environments for information retrieval instruction. Inf. Res. 9(2): (2003)
10EEEero Sormunen: A Retrospective Evaluation Method for Exact-Match and Best-Match Queries Applying an Interactive Query Performance Analyser. ECIR 2002: 334-352
9EEEero Sormunen: Liberal relevance criteria of TREC -: counting on negligible documents?. SIGIR 2002: 324-330
8EEEero Sormunen, Sakari Hokkanen, Petteri Kangaslampi, Petri Pyy, Bemmu Sepponen: Query performance analyser: a web-based tool for IR research and instruction. SIGIR 2002: 450
7 Eero Sormunen: Extensions to the STAIRS Study-Empirical Evidence for the Hypothesised Ineffectiveness of Boolean Queries in Large Full-Text Databases. Inf. Retr. 4(3-4): 257-273 (2001)
6 Marjo Markkula, Marius Tico, Bemmu Sepponen, Katja Nirkkonen, Eero Sormunen: A Test Collection for the Evaluation of Content-Based Image Retrieval Algorithms-A User and Task-Based Approach. Inf. Retr. 4(3-4): 275-293 (2001)
5EEEero Sormunen: A novel method for the evaluation of Boolean query effectiveness across a wide operational range. SIGIR 2000: 25-32
4 Marjo Markkula, Eero Sormunen: End-User Searching Challenges Indexing Practices in the Digital Newspaper Photo Archive. Inf. Retr. 1(4): 259-285 (2000)
3EEEero Sormunen, Marjo Markkula, Kalervo Järvelin: The Perceived Similarity of Photos - A Test-Collection Based Evaluation Framework for the Content-Based Image Retrieval Algorithms. MIRA 1999
2EEKalervo Järvelin, Jaana Kristensen, Timo Niemi, Eero Sormunen, Heikki Keskustalo: A Deductive Data Model for Query Expansion. SIGIR 1996: 235-243
1 Eero Sormunen: A Knowledge-Based Intermediary System for Finnish Databases. SCAI 1989: 687-696

Coauthor Index

1Tomasz Adamek [14]
2Eija Airio [14]
3Sakari Hokkanen [8]
4Peter Ingwersen [15]
5Anni Järvelin [14]
6Kalervo Järvelin [2] [3]
7Gareth J. F. Jones [14]
8Petteri Kangaslampi [8]
9Heikki Keskustalo [2]
10Jaana Kristensen [2]
11Marjo Markkula [3] [4] [6] [13]
12Timo Niemi [2]
13Katja Nirkkonen [6]
14Sami Pennanen [11]
15Petri Pyy [8]
16Bemmu Sepponen [6] [8]
17Alan F. Smeaton [14]
18Marius Tico [6]
19Pertti Vakkari [12]
20Peter Wilkins [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)