
Peter Ingwersen

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33EEBirger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen, Berit Lund: Data fusion according to the principle of polyrepresentation. JASIST 60(4): 646-654 (2009)
32EEMette Skov, Peter Ingwersen: Exploring information seeking behaviour in a digital museum context. IIiX 2008: 110-115
31EEChariste Papaeconomou, Annemarie F. Zijlema, Peter Ingwersen: Searchers' relevance judgments and criteria in evaluating web pages in a learning style perspective. IIiX 2008: 123-132
30EEPeter Ingwersen, Eero Sormunen: Tutorials at the second IIiX symposium. IIiX 2008: 163-164
29EEMette Skov, Birger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen: Inter and intra-document contexts applied in polyrepresentation for best match IR. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(5): 1673-1683 (2008)
28EEBirger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen, Jaana Kekäläinen: The polyrepresentation continuum in IR. IIiX 2006: 88-96
27EEMette Skov, Birger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen: Inter and intra-document contexts applied in polyrepresentation. IIiX 2006: 97-101
26EEBirger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen: Using citations for ranking in digital libraries. JCDL 2006: 370
25EEPeter Ingwersen, Kalervo Järvelin: The Sense of Information: Understanding the Cognitive Conditional Information Concept in Relation to Information Acquisition. CoLIS 2005: 7-19
24EEPeter Ingwersen, Kalervo Järvelin: Information retrieval in context: IRiX. SIGIR Forum 39(2): 31-39 (2005)
23EEKalervo Järvelin, Peter Ingwersen: Information seeking research needs extension toward tasks and technology. Inf. Res. 10(1): (2004)
22EELennart Björneborn, Peter Ingwersen: Toward a basic framework for webometrics. JASIST 55(14): 1216-1227 (2004)
21EEErik Thorlund Jepsen, Piet Seiden, Peter Ingwersen, Lennart Björneborn, Pia Borlund: Characteristics of scientific Web publications: Preliminary data gathering and analysis. JASIST 55(14): 1239-1249 (2004)
20EEPeter Ingwersen, Nicholas J. Belkin: Information retrieval in context - IRiX: workshop at SIGIR 2004 - Sheffield. SIGIR Forum 38(2): 50-52 (2004)
19EEPeter Ingwersen, Daisy Jacobs: South African research in selected scientific areas: Status 1981-2000. Scientometrics 59(3): 405-423 (2004)
18 Harry Bruce, Raya Fidel, Peter Ingwersen, Pertti Vakkari: Emerging Frameworks and Methods: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 4) Libraries Unlimited 2002
17EEBirger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen: The boomerang effect: retrieving scientific documents via the network of references and citations. SIGIR 2002: 397-398
16 Nicholas J. Belkin, Peter Ingwersen, Mun-Kew Leong: SIGIR 2000: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, July 24-28, 2000, Athens, Greece ACM 2000
15EEPeter Ingwersen: Users in Context. ESSIR 2000: 157-178
14 Erica Cosijn, Peter Ingwersen: Dimensions of relevance. Inf. Process. Manage. 36(4): 533-550 (2000)
13 Tatjana Aparac, Tefko Saracevic, Peter Ingwersen, Pertti Vakkari: Digital Libraries: Interdisciplinary Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities, CoLIS3 Proceedings, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-26 May 1999 Benja Publishing, Lokve, Croatia 1999
12EEPia Borlund, Peter Ingwersen: The Application of Work Tasks in Connection with the Evaluation of Interactive Information Retrieval Systems: Empirical Results. MIRA 1999
11EEMarianne Lykke Nielsen, Peter Ingwersen: The Word Association Methodology - A Gateway to Work-Task Based Retrieval. MIRA 1999
10EEPia Borlund, Peter Ingwersen: Measures of Relative Relevance and Ranked Half-Life: Performance Indicators for Interactive IR. SIGIR 1998: 324-331
9 Peter Ingwersen: Europe and Information Science. JASIS 48(12): 1139-1141 (1997)
8 Peter Ingwersen, Finn Hjortgaard Christensen: Data Set Isolation for Bibliometric Online Analyses of Research Publications: Fundamental Mehodological Issues. JASIS 48(3): 205-217 (1997)
7 Edward A. Fox, Peter Ingwersen, Raya Fidel: SIGIR'95, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Seattle, Washington, USA, July 9-13, 1995 (Special Issue of the SIGIR Forum) ACM Press 1995
6EEPeter Ingwersen: Polyrepresentation of Information Needs and Semantic Entities: Elements of a Cognitive Theory for Information Retrieval Interaction. SIGIR 1994: 101-110
5 Nicholas J. Belkin, Peter Ingwersen, Annelise Mark Pejtersen: Proceedings of the 15th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21-24, 1992 ACM 1992
4 Peter Ingwersen: Information Retrieval Interaction. Taylor Graham 1992
3EEGordon McAlpine, Peter Ingwersen: Integrated Information Retrieval in a Knowledge Worker Support System. SIGIR 1989: 48-57
2EENicholas J. Belkin, Christine L. Borgman, Helen M. Brooks, Tom Bylander, W. Bruce Croft, Penny J. Daniels, Scott C. Deerwester, Edward A. Fox, Peter Ingwersen, Roy Rada: Distributed Expert-Based Information Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(5): 395-409 (1987)
1EEPeter Ingwersen, Irene Wormell: Improved Subject Access, Browsing and Scanning Mechanisms in Modern Online IR. SIGIR 1986: 68-76

Coauthor Index

1Tatjana Aparac [13]
2Nicholas J. Belkin [2] [5] [16] [20]
3Lennart Björneborn [21] [22]
4Christine L. Borgman [2]
5Pia Borlund [10] [12] [21]
6Helen M. Brooks [2]
7Harry Bruce [18]
8Tom Bylander [2]
9Finn Hjortgaard Christensen [8]
10Erica Cosijn [14]
11W. Bruce Croft [2]
12Penny J. Daniels [2]
13Scott C. Deerwester [2]
14Raya Fidel [7] [18]
15Edward A. Fox [2] [7]
16Daisy Jacobs [19]
17Kalervo Järvelin [23] [24] [25]
18Erik Thorlund Jepsen [21]
19Jaana Kekäläinen [28]
20Birger Larsen [17] [26] [27] [28] [29] [33]
21Mun-Kew Leong [16]
22Berit Lund [33]
23Gordon McAlpine [3]
24Marianne Lykke Nielsen [11]
25Chariste Papaeconomou [31]
26Annelise Mark Pejtersen [5]
27Roy Rada [2]
28Tefko Saracevic [13]
29Piet Seiden [21]
30Mette Skov [27] [29] [32]
31Eero Sormunen [30]
32Pertti Vakkari [13] [18]
33Irene Wormell [1]
34Annemarie F. Zijlema [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)