
Adam Smyk

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17EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Genetic Optimization of Parallel FDTD Computations. ISPDC 2008: 155-161
16EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Hierarchical Optimization of the Parallel FDTD Computations Based on the Macro Data Flow Graph Paradigm. ISPDC 2007: 53-60
15EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Optimization of Parallel FDTD Computations Using a Genetic Algorithm. PPAM 2007: 559-569
14EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Prototyping Parallel FDTD Programs by Macro Data Flow Graph Analysis. DSD 2006: 295-304
13EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Parallel FDTD Computations Optimized by Program Macro Data Flow Graph Redeployment. PARELEC 2006: 421-426
12EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj, Lukasz Masko: Open MP Extension for Multithreaded Computing with Dynamic SMP Processor Clusters with Communication on the Fly. PARELEC 2006: 83-88
11EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: RDMA control support for fine-grain parallel computations. Journal of Systems Architecture 52(2): 117-128 (2006)
10EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Profiling Macro Data Flow Graphs for Parallel Implementation of FDTD Computations. ISPDC 2005: 121-130
9EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Optimization of Parallel FDTD Computations Based on Structural Redeployment of Macro Data Flow Nodes. PPAM 2005: 542-550
8EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Program Implementation Based on Macro Data Flow Paradigm with RDMA Communication Support. ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 270-276
7EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Parallel Implementation of FDTD Computations Based on Macro Data Flow Paradigm. PARELEC 2004: 19-24
6EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: RDMA Control Support for Fine-Grain Parallel Computations. PDP 2004: 208-
5EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: RDMA Communication Based on Rotating Buffers for Efficient Parallel Fine-Grain Computations. PPAM 2003: 50-58
4EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Irregular Fine-Grain Parallel Computing Based on the Slide Register Window Architecture of Hitachi SR2201. PARELEC 2002: 39-43
3EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: OpenMP / MPI Programming in a Multi-cluster System Based on Shared Memory/Message Passing Communication. IWCC 2001: 241-248
2EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Application of Mixed MPI OpenMP Programming in a Multi SMP Cluster Computer. PPAM 2001: 288-298
1EEAdam Smyk, Marek Tudruj: Inter-Process Communication for Parallel Computations of Wavelet Transforms on Hitachi SR2201 Supercomputer. PARELEC 2000: 248-252

Coauthor Index

1Lukasz Masko [12]
2Marek Tudruj [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)