
Robert J. Smith II

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7EEJ. W. Smith, K. S. Smith, Robert J. Smith II: Faster Architectural Simulation Through Parallelism. DAC 1987: 189-194
6EERobert J. Smith II: Fundamentals of parallel logic simulation. DAC 1986: 2-12
5EEPatrick M. Hefferan, Robert J. Smith II, Val Burdick, Donald L. Nelson: The STE-264 accelerated electronic CAD system. DAC 1985: 352-358
4EEGary B. Goates, Patrick M. Hefferan, Robert J. Smith II, Randy Harris: Star's envoling design environment: a user's perspective on CAE. DAC 1985: 584-590
3EEW. A. Dees, K. M. Parmar, A. Goyal, R. Y. Tsui, B. D. Rathi, Robert J. Smith II: A computer-aided VLSI layout system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 11-18
2 Mathew N. Matelan, Robert J. Smith II: A Data Base Design for Digital Design Automation. Data Bases for Interactive Design 1975: 85-92
1EERobert J. Smith II, J. H. Tracey, W. L. Schoeffel, Gary K. Maki: Automation in the design of asynchronous sequential circuits. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1968: 55-60

Coauthor Index

1Val Burdick [5]
2W. A. Dees [3]
3Gary B. Goates [4]
4A. Goyal [3]
5Randy Harris [4]
6Patrick M. Hefferan [4] [5]
7Gary K. Maki [1]
8Mathew N. Matelan [2]
9Donald L. Nelson [5]
10K. M. Parmar [3]
11B. D. Rathi [3]
12W. L. Schoeffel [1]
13J. W. Smith [7]
14K. S. Smith [7]
15J. H. Tracey [1]
16R. Y. Tsui [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)