
Jaroslaw Smieja

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3EEJaroslaw Smieja: Simulation Methods in Uncovering New Regulatory Mechanisms in Signaling Pathways. BICoB 2009: 400-408
2EEJaroslaw Smieja, Mohammad Jamaluddin, Allan R. Brasier, Marek Kimmel: Model-based analysis of interferon-beta induced signaling pathway. Bioinformatics 24(20): 2363-2369 (2008)
1 Jaroslaw Smieja, A. Swierniak: Modelling of Controlled Queuing Systems. Modelling, Identification and Control 2003: 147-151

Coauthor Index

1Allan R. Brasier [2]
2Mohammad Jamaluddin [2]
3Marek Kimmel [2]
4A. Swierniak [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)