
Marek Skomorowski

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8EEMarzena Bielecka, Marek Skomorowski: Fuzzy-aided Parsing for Pattern Recognition. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 313-318
7EEAndrzej Bielecki, Piotr Kalita, Marian Lewandowski, Marek Skomorowski: Compartment model of neuropeptide synaptic transport with impulse control. Biological Cybernetics 99(6): 443-458 (2008)
6 Marzena Bielecka, Marek Skomorowski, Andrzej Bielecki: Fuzzy-syntactic approach to pattern recognition and scene analysis. ICINCO-RA (1) 2007: 29-35
5EEMarzena Bielecka, Marek Skomorowski: Fuzzy-Aided Syntactic Scene Analysis. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 970-973
4EEMarek Skomorowski: Syntactic recognition of distorted patterns by means of random graph parsing. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(5): 572-581 (2007)
3 Marek Skomorowski: Syntactic Recognition of Distorted Patterns. IEC (Prague) 2005: 173-177
2EEMarek Skomorowski: Use of random graph parsing for scene labelling by probabilistic relaxation. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(9): 949-956 (1999)
1 Jacek Kuras, Jacek Lembras, Marek Skomorowski: Simulation of Continuous Dynamic Systems Using the GODYS-PC Language. ESM 1998: 31-33

Coauthor Index

1Marzena Bielecka [5] [6] [8]
2Andrzej Bielecki [6] [7]
3Piotr Kalita [7]
4Jacek Kuras [1]
5Jacek Lembras [1]
6Marian Lewandowski [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)