
Andrzej Bielecki

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14EEAndrzej Bielecki, Marzena Bielecka, Anna Chmielowiec: Input Signals Normalization in Kohonen Neural Networks. ICAISC 2008: 3-10
13EEAndrzej Bielecki, Pawel Hajto, Robert Schaefer: Hybrid Neural Systems in Exchange Rate Prediction. Natural Computing in Computational Finance 2008: 211-230
12EEAndrzej Bielecki, Piotr Kalita, Marian Lewandowski, Marek Skomorowski: Compartment model of neuropeptide synaptic transport with impulse control. Biological Cybernetics 99(6): 443-458 (2008)
11EEAndrzej Bielecki, Mariusz Korkosz, Bartosz Zielinski: Hand radiographs preprocessing, image representation in the finger regions and joint space width measurements for image interpretation. Pattern Recognition 41(12): 3786-3798 (2008)
10EEMichal Bak, Andrzej Bielecki: Neural Systems for Short-Term Forecasting of Electric Power Load. ICANNGA (2) 2007: 133-142
9 Marzena Bielecka, Marek Skomorowski, Andrzej Bielecki: Fuzzy-syntactic approach to pattern recognition and scene analysis. ICINCO-RA (1) 2007: 29-35
8EEAndrzej Bielecki, Tomasz Danek, Janusz Jagodzinski, Marek Wojdyla: Artificial Neural Networks Application to Calculate Parameter Values in the Magnetotelluric Method. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 558-561
7EEBarbara Strug, Andrzej Bielecki, Marzena Bielecka: Evolutionary Viral-type Algorithm for the Inverse Problem for Iterated Function Systems. PPAM 2007: 579-588
6EEAndrzej Bielecki, Barbara Strug: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving the Inverse Problem for Iterated Function Systems for a Two Dimensional Image. CORES 2005: 347-354
5EEAndrzej Bielecki, Pawel Hajto: A Neural-Based Agent for IP Traffic Scanning and Worm Detection. ICAISC 2004: 816-822
4EEAndrzej Bielecki, Dominika Nowak: A Multi-agent System Based on the Information Metabolism Theory. PPAM 2003: 439-446
3EEAndrzej Bielecki: Agent's Adaptivity - Some Aspects of Theoretical Foundations of a Neural Agent Training Process. CEEMAS 2001: 47-53
2EEAndrzej Bielecki, Dariusz Jablonski: Estimation of Numerical Dynamics Constants of a Weakly Nonlinear Neuron. PPAM 2001: 862-869
1EEIgor T. Podolak, Seong-Whan Lee, Andrzej Bielecki, Elzbieta Majkut: A Hybrid Neural System for Phonematic Transformation. ICPR 2000: 2957-2960

Coauthor Index

1Michal Bak [10]
2Marzena Bielecka [7] [9] [14]
3Anna Chmielowiec [14]
4Tomasz Danek [8]
5Pawel Hajto [5] [13]
6Dariusz Jablonski [2]
7Janusz Jagodzinski [8]
8Piotr Kalita [12]
9Mariusz Korkosz [11]
10Seong-Whan Lee [1]
11Marian Lewandowski [12]
12Elzbieta Majkut [1]
13Dominika Nowak [4]
14Igor T. Podolak [1]
15Robert Schaefer [13]
16Marek Skomorowski [9] [12]
17Barbara Strug [6] [7]
18Marek Wojdyla [8]
19Bartosz Zielinski [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)