
Pepe Siy

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17EEWei Zhang, Pepe Siy: An efficient design of residue to binary converter for four moduli set (2n-1, 2n+1, 22n-2, 22n+1-3) based on new CRT II. Inf. Sci. 178(1): 264-279 (2008)
16EEM. Akkal, Pepe Siy: Optimum RNS sign detection algorithm using MRC-II with special moduli set. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(10): 911-918 (2008)
15EENabil Abu-Khader, Pepe Siy: Inversion/Division in Galois Field Using Multiple-Valued Logic. ISMVL 2007: 16
14EEM. Akkal, Pepe Siy: A new Mixed Radix Conversion algorithm MRC-II. Journal of Systems Architecture 53(9): 577-586 (2007)
13EENabil Abu-Khader, Pepe Siy: Systolic Galois field exponentiation in a multiple-valued logic technique. Integration 39(3): 229-251 (2006)
12EENabil Abu-Khader, Pepe Siy: Multiple-Valued Logic Approach for a Systolic^2 AB Circuit in Galois Field. ISMVL 2005: 88-93
11EENabil Abu-Khader, Pepe Siy: Systolic product-sum circuit for GF((22)m) using neuron MOSFETs. Integration 39(1): 29-47 (2005)
10EEWei Zhang, Pepe Siy: Comments on "Sign detection in residue arithmetic units" [Journal of Systems Architecture 45 (1998) 251-258]. Journal of Systems Architecture 51(4): 277-279 (2005)
9EEEmad Attalla, Pepe Siy: Robust shape similarity retrieval based on contour segmentation polygonal multiresolution and elastic matching. Pattern Recognition 38(12): 2229-2241 (2005)
8EEMajed Marji, Reinhard Klette, Pepe Siy: Corner Detection and Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance. IWCIA 2004: 512-521
7EEMajed Marji, Pepe Siy: Polygonal representation of digital planar curves through dominant point detection - a nonparametric algorithm. Pattern Recognition 37(11): 2113-2130 (2004)
6EEMajed Marji, Pepe Siy: A new algorithm for dominant points detection and polygonization of digital curves. Pattern Recognition 36(10): 2239-2251 (2003)
5 A. Alraddadi, Pepe Siy: Multi-search Engine for Internet Electronic Commerce. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2002: 37-41
4EEHussein Dourra, Pepe Siy: Investment using technical analysis and fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 127(2): 221-240 (2002)
3 Byoung-moon You, Pepe Siy, William Anderst, Scott Tashman: In-vivo Measurement of 3D Skeletal Kinematics from Sequences of Biplane Radiographs: Application to Knee Kinematics. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 20(6): 514-525 (2001)
2EESalman Talahmeh, Pepe Siy: Enhancing Mersenne Transforms by Rns with Application to Discrete Convolution. Int. J. Systems Science 28(4): 423-427 (1997)
1 M. Zhu, N. K. Loh, Pepe Siy: Towards the Minimum Set of Primitive Relations in Temporal Logic. Inf. Process. Lett. 26(3): 121-126 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Nabil Abu-Khader [11] [12] [13] [15]
2M. Akkal [14] [16]
3A. Alraddadi [5]
4William Anderst [3]
5Emad Attalla [9]
6Hussein Dourra [4]
7Reinhard Klette [8]
8N. K. Loh [1]
9Majed Marji [6] [7] [8]
10Salman Talahmeh [2]
11Scott Tashman [3]
12Byoung-moon You [3]
13Wei Zhang [10] [17]
14M. Zhu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)