
Jorge Arturo Cobb

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33EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Stabilization of Max-Min Fair Networks without Per-flow State. SSS 2008: 156-172
32EETaehwan Choi, Sooel Son, Mohamed G. Gouda, Jorge Arturo Cobb: Pharewell to Phishing. SSS 2008: 233-245
31EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Zhe Xu: Work-Conserving Fair-Aggregation Across Multiple Core Networks. ICCCN 2007: 932-938
30EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Stabilization of Loop-Free Redundant Routing. SSS 2007: 154-172
29EERavi Musunuri, Jorge Arturo Cobb: Distributed out-bound load balancing in inter-AS routing by random matchings. Telecommunication Systems 34(1-2): 27-36 (2007)
28EEMohamed G. Gouda, Jorge Arturo Cobb, Chin-Tser Huang: Fault Masking in Tri-redundant Systems. SSS 2006: 304-313
27EERavi Musunuri, Jorge Arturo Cobb: Comprehensive Solution for Anomaly-Free BGP. IPOM 2005: 130-141
26EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Scalable quality of service across multiple domains. Computer Communications 28(18): 1997-2008 (2005)
25EERavi Musunuri, Jorge Arturo Cobb: An overview of solutions to avoid persistent BGP divergence. IEEE Network 19(6): 28-34 (2005)
24EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, Deepinder P. Sidhu: Hello again: Stabilization of the Hello protocol in OSPF. J. High Speed Networks 14(1): 39-57 (2005)
23EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Miaohua Lin: The timely token protocol. Computer Communications 27(7): 569-580 (2004)
22EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, Ravi Musunuri: A Stabilizing Solution to the Stable Path Problem. Self-Stabilizing Systems 2003: 169-183
21EESangman Bak, Jorge Arturo Cobb, Ernst L. Leiss: Performance Evaluation of Load-Balanced Routing via Bounded Randomization. CLEI Electron. J. 3(2): (2002)
20EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Preserving quality of service guarantees in spite of flow aggregation. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(1): 43-53 (2002)
19EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Miaohua Lin: A theory of multi-channel schedulers for quality of service. J. High Speed Networks 12(1-2): 61-86 (2002)
18EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Stabilization of General Loop-Free Routing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(5): 922-944 (2002)
17EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Providing Quality of Service Guarantees without Per-Flow State. ICNP 2001: 211-219
16EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Stabilization of Routing in Directed Networks. WSS 2001: 51-66
15EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Convergent Multi-Path Routing. ICNP 2000: 273-282
14EESangman Bak, Albert Mo Kim Cheng, Jorge Arturo Cobb, Ernst L. Leiss: Load-Balanced Routing and Scheduling for Real-Time Traffic in Packet-Switch Networks. LCN 2000: 634-643
13EEJorge Arturo Cobb: An In-Depth Look at Flow Aggregation for Efficient Quality of Service. ICNP 1999: 127-134
12EESangman Bak, Jorge Arturo Cobb: Randomized Distance-Vector Routing Protocol. SAC 1999: 78-84
11EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Universal Timestamp-Scheduling for real-time networks. Computer Networks 31(22): 2341-2360 (1999)
10EEJorge Arturo Cobb: Preserving Quality of Service Guarantees in Spite of Flow Aggregation. ICNP 1998: 90-97
9EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, Amal El-Nahas: Time-shift scheduling - fair scheduling of flows in high-speed networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 6(3): 274-285 (1998)
8EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Balanced Routing. ICNP 1997: 277-284
7 Jorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed Waris: Propagated timestamps: a scheme for the stabilization of maximum-flow routing protocols. WSS 1997: 185-200
6 Jorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: The Request Reply Family of Group Routing Protocols. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(6): 659-672 (1997)
5EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Flow theory. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 5(5): 661-674 (1997)
4 Jorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Group Routing without Group Routing Tables. ICDCS 1996: 344-351
3EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, Amal El-Nahas: Time-Shift Scheduling: Fair Scheduling of Flows in High Speed Networks. ICNP 1996: 6-13
2EEJorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda: Group routing without group routing tables: an exercise in protocol design. Computer Communications 19(14): 1161-1174 (1996)
1 Jorge Arturo Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, Prathima Agrawal: Protocol synchronization with sparse timestraps. PSTV 1994: 169-184

Coauthor Index

1Prathima Agrawal [1]
2Sangman Bak [12] [14] [21]
3Albert Mo Kim Cheng (Albert M. K. Cheng) [14]
4Taehwan Choi [32]
5Amal El-Nahas [3] [9]
6Mohamed G. Gouda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [16] [18] [22] [24] [28] [32] [33]
7Chin-Tser Huang [28]
8Ernst L. Leiss [14] [21]
9Miaohua Lin [19] [23]
10Ravi Musunuri [22] [25] [27] [29]
11Deepinder P. Sidhu [24]
12Sooel Son [32]
13Mohamed Waris [7]
14Zhe Xu [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)