
Gyu-Sang Shin

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6 You-Hee Choi, Seokjin Yoon, Gyu-Sang Shin, Youngjong Yang: An Extension of UML 2.0 for Representing Variability on Product Line Architecture. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2006: 119-124
5EEYou-Hee Choi, Gyu-Sang Shin, Youngjong Yang, Changsoon Park: An Approach to Extension of UML 2.0 for Representing Variabilities. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 258-261
4EEJihyun Lee, Jin-Sam Kim, Gyu-Sang Shin: Facilitating Reuse of Software Components using Repository Technology. APSEC 2003: 136-
3 Jihyun Lee, You-Hee Choi, Gyu-Sang Shin: A MOF-based Environment to Generate a User-Customizable Case Tool. SNPD 2003: 146-151
2EEYou-Hee Choi, Oh-Cheon Kwon, Gyu-Sang Shin: An Approach to Composition of EJB Components Using C2 Style. EUROMICRO 2002: 40-47
1EEOh-Cheon Kwon, Gyu-Sang Shin, Cornelia Boldyreff, Malcolm Munro: Maintenance with Reuse: An Integrated Approach Based on Software Configuration Management. APSEC 1999: 507-515

Coauthor Index

1Cornelia Boldyreff [1]
2You-Hee Choi [2] [3] [5] [6]
3Jin-Sam Kim [4]
4Oh-Cheon Kwon [1] [2]
5Jihyun Lee [3] [4]
6Malcolm Munro [1]
7Changsoon Park [5]
8Youngjong Yang [5] [6]
9Seokjin Yoon [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)