
Oh-Cheon Kwon

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8 Oh-Cheon Kwon, Jong-Woo Choi, Moonsoo Lee, Hyun Suk Kim: The Telematics Contents Providing System Based on a User's Request Using DMB Network. Communications in Computing 2008: 3-8
7EESooCheol Lee, Daesub Yoon, Oh-Cheon Kwon, Eenjun Hwang: Implementation of QoS-Aware Dynamic Multimedia Content Adaptation System. ICCSA (3) 2007: 968-977
6EEDaesub Yoon, N. Hari Narayanan, SooCheol Lee, Oh-Cheon Kwon: Exploring the Effect of Animation and Progressive Revealing on Diagrammatic Problem Solving. Diagrams 2006: 226-240
5EEJongik Kim, SooCheol Lee, Oh-Cheon Kwon: Integration of a Structural Index with a Structural Join for Accelerating Path Queries. ICCSA (2) 2006: 552-561
4EEJeong Hee Hwang, Myung-Jin Lee, Oh-Cheon Kwon, Keun Ho Ryu: Context-based Preference Analysis Method in Ubiquitous Commerce. UDM 2005: 25-32
3EEYou-Hee Choi, Oh-Cheon Kwon, Gyu-Sang Shin: An Approach to Composition of EJB Components Using C2 Style. EUROMICRO 2002: 40-47
2EEOh-Cheon Kwon, Gyu-Sang Shin, Cornelia Boldyreff, Malcolm Munro: Maintenance with Reuse: An Integrated Approach Based on Software Configuration Management. APSEC 1999: 507-515
1EEOh-Cheon Kwon, Cornelia Boldyreff, Malcolm Munro: Software Configuration Management for a Reusable Software Library within a Software Maintenance Environment. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 8(4): 483-515 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Cornelia Boldyreff [1] [2]
2Jong-Woo Choi [8]
3You-Hee Choi [3]
4Eenjun Hwang [7]
5Jeong Hee Hwang [4]
6Hyun Suk Kim [8]
7Jongik Kim [5]
8Moonsoo Lee [8]
9Myung-Jin Lee [4]
10SooCheol Lee [5] [6] [7]
11Malcolm Munro [1] [2]
12N. Hari Narayanan [6]
13Keun Ho Ryu [4]
14Gyu-Sang Shin [2] [3]
15Daesub Yoon [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)