
Bingxin Shi

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8EEWeidong Wu, Jian Shi, Ling Zuo, Bingxin Shi: Power-Efficient TCAMS for Bursty Access Patterns. IEEE Micro 25(4): 64-72 (2005)
7EEWeidong Wu, Bingxin Shi, Feng Wang: Efficient location of free spaces in TCAM to improve router performance. Int. J. Communication Systems 18(4): 363-371 (2005)
6EEWeidong Wu, Bingxin Shi, Feng Wang: Fast Update of Forwarding Tables in TCAM. MASCOTS 2004: 522-527
5 Weidong Wu, Bingxin Shi, Jianxin Zhou: Reduction of the BGP Table based in its Characteristics. J. Network Syst. Manage. 11(2): (2003)
4EEJianxin Zhou, Bingxin Shi, Ling Zou, Hui Shen: Improve TCP Performance in Ad Hoc Netwoks. Revista Comlombiana de Computación 4(1): (2003)
3 Zhengying Wang, Bingxin Shi, Ling Zou: A Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Multicast Routing Heuristic for Dynamic Multicast Groups. Electronic Commerce Research 2(4): 323-335 (2002)
2 Zhengying Wang, Bingxin Shi, Erdun Zhao: Bandwidth-delay-constrained least-cost multicast routing based on heuristic genetic algorithm. Computer Communications 24(7-8): 685-692 (2001)
1 Zhengying Wang, Bingxin Shi, Wei Liu: A Distributed Dynamic Heuristic for Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Multicast Routing. Journal of Interconnection Networks 1(4): 331-344 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Wei Liu [1]
2Hui Shen [4]
3Jian Shi [8]
4Feng Wang [6] [7]
5Zhengying Wang [1] [2] [3]
6Weidong Wu [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Erdun Zhao [2]
8Jianxin Zhou [4] [5]
9Ling Zou [3] [4]
10Ling Zuo [8]

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