
Xubang Shen

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6EEXunying Zhang, Fei Hui, Qiang Wang, Xubang Shen: Integrated ISS and FPGA SoC HW/SW Co-verification environment design. CSCWD 2008: 1071-1075
5EEXunying Zhang, Xubang Shen: A Power-Efficient Floating-Point Co-processor Design. CSSE (4) 2008: 75-78
4EEGuochang Zhou, Xubang Shen: An Architecture of Dynamically Reconfigurable Processing Unit(RPU). ICPP Workshops 2007: 20
3EEZhijun Liu, Xubang Shen, Hongshi Sang: A Learning-Based Spatial Processing Method for the Detection of Point Targets. ICMLC 2005: 1043-1050
2EEXianyang Jiang, Xubang Shen, Tianxu Zhang, Huayu Liu: An improved circuit-partitioning algorithm based on min-cut equivalence relation. Integration 36(1-2): 55-68 (2003)
1EEFeng Huang, Xubang Shen, Xuecheng Zou, Chaoyang Chen: Analog signal generator for BIST of wideband IF signals bandpass sigma-delta modulator. Microelectronics Journal 34(1): 85-91 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Chaoyang Chen [1]
2Feng Huang [1]
3Fei Hui [6]
4Xianyang Jiang [2]
5Huayu Liu [2]
6Zhijun Liu [3]
7Hongshi Sang [3]
8Qiang Wang [6]
9Tianxu Zhang [2]
10Xunying Zhang [5] [6]
11Guochang Zhou [4]
12Xuecheng Zou [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)