
Hongshi Sang

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3EEHualong Zhao, Hongshi Sang, Tianxu Zhang, Yebin Fan: GEMI: A High Performance and High Flexibility Memory Interface Architecture for Complex Embedded SOC. CSSE (4) 2008: 62-65
2EEHualong Zhao, Hongshi Sang, Tianxu Zhang: The Design and Implementation of a High Performance and High Flexibility Memory Interface Architecture for Embedded Application. ICYCS 2008: 1342-1347
1EEZhijun Liu, Xubang Shen, Hongshi Sang: A Learning-Based Spatial Processing Method for the Detection of Point Targets. ICMLC 2005: 1043-1050

Coauthor Index

1Yebin Fan [3]
2Zhijun Liu [1]
3Xubang Shen [1]
4Tianxu Zhang [2] [3]
5Hualong Zhao [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)